38º Concurso sobre Valores. / "El servicio".

in hive-181136 •  13 days ago  (edited)

Hello and Namste my steemian Family,

This is my participation in the contest” 38th Values Competition. / "Service".by @damisvilladiego

As you yourself have said in your article, "He who does not live to serve, is not useful to live", I completely agree with this.

These lines of yours are also always inspiring and heart-warming, that serving is an expression of generosity and gratitude towards God for what he has given us by grace and mercy, it is an act that pleases our Creator;

I myself feel that God gave us birth as a human being so that we serve the living humans in this entire creation according to our ability.

I have always had a feeling in my heart to help and serve the poor, the helpless, the destitute, and the needy, and for this God also provided me a wonderful opportunity. I was an officer in the Medical Health Department and I was mostly posted in hospitals, where I got the best opportunities to serve the sick, the helpless, the destitute and the poor and I served them with all my heart and soul.

Apart from this, whenever I got a chance, I often went to children's orphanages, women's shelter homes, old people's homes, ashrams for the leprosy patients and tried to help them and give them some happiness for a while.

I never sent back any needy person who came to my door without helping him, and my work done in this way also comes under the category of service.

The objective of the department in which I was working was " सेवा परमोधर्मः" i.e. serving someone is a religious work. And with this objective, our doctors, paramedical staff, nurses and subordinate employees served the patients day and night. We have seen such occasions when a common man hides his nose and mouth after seeing such a scene, but we remained steadfast in our duty.

I think God created kindness, affection and sensitivity in us so that we can serve the living beings of this entire world according to our ability. I feel that in this world of competition and rush to earn money, we are getting deprived of serving others, but we must definitely take out time to serve others, only then this life will be successful. And our soul will get happiness and satisfaction.

I also want to invite here

Thanks for reading my post, I pray to God for the progress and happy future of all Steemians.

With Great love and honour,


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Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

¡Saludos amigo!🤗

En la universidad donde estudié nos enseñaron el lema de "Amar y servir sobre todas las cosas". Esa frase la decía San Ignacio de Loyola y, gracias a esa enseñanza aprendí que, tener el don de servir es una manera muy hermosa de estar para las personas que por alguna u otra razón necesitan de nuestra mano amiga.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte 💚

Hola mi respetado amigo,
Sí, también he visto citas breves tan caritativas y orientadas al servicio en todas las universidades, colegios, templos y hospitales. Sólo leyéndolas nos damos cuenta del servicio humano.
Que Dios te dé progreso y felicidad.

  ·  13 days ago (edited)

Hello boss, try and contact me on discord #xkool24.

But Discord is not accepting this Id.

I wouldn't know why. You can try Telegram.


Saludos amigo muchas gracias por la invitación servir o ayudar a los demás es un don que no todos tienen, soy de la personas que le gusta mucho ayudar a otros sin esperar nada a cambio por algo elegí mi profesión de enfermera es un gran satisfacción que sentimos cuando ayudamos a alguien que verdaderamente necesita de nuestra ayuda
Suerte en tu participación

Hola mi amigo,
No hay duda de que esperar algo de alguien a cambio de ayudarlo es algo muy vergonzoso. Siempre tenemos que ayudar y servir desinteresadamente a estas personas necesitadas.
Con respecto.

Hola amigo, gusto en saludarte;

Me alegra que Dios te haya colocado en un área de trabajo donde puediste servir con amor al prójimo, también pienso que para alcanzar la prosperidad, debe primero prosperar el alma, y esta muy buena su recomendación amigo:

definitivamente debemos sacar tiempo para servir a los demás, solo así esta vida será exitosa. Y nuestra alma obtendrá felicidad y satisfacción.

Gracias por unirse al concurso, me encantó leerte. ¡Éxitos!


Hi friend,
I appreciate your response, it is true that God gave me a right opportunity and I could help people. I wish you a good future.
Respect and thanks.