SEC-S17W4- "Extraterrestrials".

in hive-181136 •  8 months ago  (edited)

1000000117.jpg The Aliens

"The Aliens "

Aliens here are intell-non-human creatures or entities from another planet or dimension who have come to earth mostly to colonize the planet or exploit it's resources.

Do you believe that extraterrestrials exist?

I Believe we are not the only intelligent life form around, there are other intelligent life forms, even more intelligent and are not even from around here. They are called different names. Religion prefer to call them spirits or gods and as described by the definition of aliens above, they are not from around and are intelligent and more powerful.

Do you know of anyone who claims to have seen them?

Yes there are records of people who saw this aliens. A man called Monoah is said to have meet one.
Some recorded encounter ended well for the human as the alien came in the capacity of a messenger often translated angel, capable of doing strange things.
There is an account of carnage by one of this alien involving 185,000 soldier from Assyrian soldiers in the space of one night.
due to being biased, this story is partially corroborated by the Sennacherib Cyllinder discovered by archaeologist and now on display in the British Museum. It all checks out except the fact that his soldiers were massacred.

1000000113.jpg Some of these aliens are destructive

What do you think of those who claim that they have always been here and have helped mankind? Give examples.

There are accounts that surgeste that aliens can blend in and inter breed with humans creating hybrids also known as demigods like Hercules and Perseus in the Greek mythology which you may know them as Nephilims.

a demigod

Earth's immigration service is wanting, we have been harboring aliens and hybrids as indicated in mythology, scripture and folklore. It's a matter of perspective. A religious observer sees an encounter with an angel or a demon but the nonreligious looks at the same thing and say it's an alien.

egypt-2267089_1280.jpg Picture showing technology that were likely transferred to man

The blueprint for the temple in Jerusalem, Moses says he got it from a supernatural being, not from this world but from another dimension.
His people had sanitation and quarantine laws that was far beyond their time and the science that was known then, all said to have come from external help.
We are still discovering technology that is way beyond our current understanding.

Will we ever know the truth about this subject?

Yes we will. This visitors have been here before and are here again. They have the technology to remain unditected and can make themselves visible in a way that we will easily comprehend or may decide to keep us in the dark.

I'm inviting @okere-blessing, @drsumon and @entity01

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  ·  7 months ago (edited)

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