SEC - S17W2 | "Homeless people in my country"

in hive-181136 •  11 months ago  (edited)
Happy to meet again all friends, I am @ustazkarim from Indonesia, today I want to participate in the 17th Season of Steemit challenge with the topic Homelessness in my country." and hopefully I can follow it well.

Are there homeless people in your country?


My country, namely Indonesia, is one of the countries with homelessness ranked 11th in the world, this is very worrying, with the homeless population in 2024 reaching 3,000,000 people, this is caused by urbanization and also Covid.

Homeless people are people who do not have a permanent place to live, they live in various places such as under bridges, public parks and roadsides, and quite a few live on railway tracks, riverbanks and other public facilities, as places and facilities for carrying out their activities. everyday life.

The problem of homelessness is a very crucial problem, with 3,000,000 recorded and 28,000 in Jakarta.

What do you think is the reason these people are on the streets, homeless and without families?


There are many factors that cause people to live on the streets and become homeless, including:

  • Poverty
  • Economy
  • Social Bugaya
  • Education and Skills Limitations
  • Frustrating Family problems
  • Age factor

Several factors cause people to become homeless, so currently Indonesia is one of the countries that has a lot of homeless people at the moment,

Has the government tried to care for or create proper shelters to help these people?


The government always tries to overcome this every year, but the ever-increasing number of homeless people makes it difficult for the government to deal with it, because of the large number, it will actually be very difficult to deal with people who don't have a home, and even difficulty in controlling people who are classified as this homeless person.

As time goes by, instead of reducing the number of people given housing, it actually increases, making this matter increasingly difficult to resolve.

What can you suggest so that these people do not continue to be in this dark world?


If we pay close attention, I am very concerned about the lives of these homeless people, however, as social creatures, of course we have the desire to do good things in overcoming this problem.

Maybe I can suggest that in dealing with people like this, good land is provided, as well as life for those who find a place to live on empty land in various areas, even though transmigration must be carried out for them.
By being given empty land and a place to live, perhaps they will have work to live their lives, both as farmers and livestock breeders.

Thus, this proposal will be a step to reduce existing homeless people, based on their age and also their expertise in their respective fields.

So that's the description of the Steemit challenge in season 17, I hope that my explanation will be very useful in dealing with people who are homeless.

I invite @quiaratiby @genomil @albaandreina @kyrie1234 @patjewell @ngoenyi @waterjoe to take part in this contest, and click here

My best regards


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Indonesia is also facing this issues of homelessness, your country recorded 3,000,000 homeless individuals in 2024. The main cause of this issue is as the results of poverty, social inequality, and lack of education. Even with the effort the government has makes to provide shelters, the number of these people keep on increasing everyday. Providing land and opportunities for employment can lessen the amount of homelessness in the country.

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Hola amigo, gracias por la invitación, es preocupante la cantidad de personas sin hogar en tu país, lo cual acarrea más problemas sociales y de salud publica, esperemos el gobierno pueda ayudar.

Así es, el gobierno realmente ha tratado de superar la falta de vivienda en el país, ojalá disminuya.


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Saludos amigo es muy lamentable lo que sucede en su país es un número alarmante 3000000 de personas sin hogar es como demasiado, y aunque el gobierno ha tratado de frenar está situación se le escapa de las manos por cada año se incrementan más el número de personas sin hogar, espero que algun día se logre solucionar este problema
Le deseo mucha suerte en su participación

Así es, mi país ocupa el puesto 11 en cuanto a la cantidad de personas sin hogar este año, y cualquiera que sea la esperanza, ojalá todo pueda estar bajo control con este problema.

Gracias por visitar mi blog

Hello @ustazkarim hope your day is going well.It's worrying that Indonesia ranks 11th globally for homelessness, with 3,000,000 affected in 2024. Poverty, economic challenges, and family issues contribute to this problem. Despite government efforts, the numbers keep rising, making it tough to provide shelters. Offering land for farming or raising animals could be a solution to help them build a better life.,thanks for sharing wish you success 💖🤗🌸💐🌺💞.

What a lovely and educative post, am sure your government can do better if they put more effort into this problem because being homeless is nothing anyone would want. All the best

Thank you friends, I hope our hopes can always come true and the best for the homeless

Hola amigo, espero te encuentres muy bien. Es realmente preocupante la cantidad de personas que están sin hogar en todos los países del mundo, es una pena que Indonesia no escape de esta realidad.

No tener un lugar donde vivir ni los medios para cubrir las necesidades básicas, es algo realmente muy triste. Definitivamente la economía de un país, la cultura, la falta de educación y habilidades pueden conllevar a una persona a vivir en las calles.

Fue un gusto leer tu publicación, éxitos en el desafío. Saludos y bendiciones.

Greeting my friend,

I am very happy ans glad to see your participation in this challenge. I really appreciate and like and enjoy your post because you have write a well on this topic. I wish you good luck for your post.


Terimakasih banyak anda sudah mengirimkan postingan yang sangat menarik. Sungguh memprihatinkan kehidupan orang yang tidak memiliki uang, bagaimana mereka dapat mencukupi kebutuhan hidup nya tanpa mereka ada uang untuk membeli sesuatu buat makan saja jadi susah. Semoga sukses di kontes ini :)

Terimakasih banyak bang,