Have You Consider Beekeeping? @lordside

in hive-181205 •  4 years ago 

Greetings to all members and supporters of fur-friends communities, hope you all are doing great. I want to draw to your knowledge, the important of Bee.


Beekeeping is important to the global food chain. Bee are one of the insect that human are scared of but loves what it produces, bee are very small but powerful it can bring down a giant. This draw me back to the death of my first monkey pet, the monkey was like a brother to me, but was killed by crowded bee while i was away, before i could return from work, my pet was lying helplessly, why am saying this is to let you know how powerful and destructive bee could be.


The best way to explain why beekeeping is so important is to present you with a few facts about bees and beekeeping:

Bees Produces Honey

The number one reason that gets most hobbyists into beekeeping is the fact that bees make honey.

There is nothing quite like fresh honey taken from your own hive and poured over a batch of warm pancakes. Honey is great on toast, ice cream. It is great for adding extra flavor to your tea and coffee, too.


Beekeeping is not expensive

To become a beekeeper is not expensive compare to some hobbies you do, all what you need to start up is just to get your own hive. You have to buy either established hives or bee kits and the materials to build your hives. You would also need to invest in a bee suit and a couple of tools for cleaning and harvesting, that is all and you have started.

Beekeeping is Rewarding

Ask most beekeepers why they do what they do, and they will explain to you how rewarding the hobby is. The rewards are evident on multiple fronts, beginning with the opportunity to help restore decimated bee populations.

More than a decade ago, worldwide populations of European honeybees began suffering catastrophic losses as a result of something known as colony collapse disorder (CCD). The disorder occurs when a majority of a colony’s worker bees abandon the queen, leaving a hive full of immature larvae and no food to sustain the larvae to maturity.

No one knows for certain what causes CCD. Furthermore, it is something that has been observed on numerous occasions since the 1800s. But the round of CCD that began making its way through worldwide bee populations at the turn of the twenty-first century has been especially severe. Some estimates suggest that the world lost upwards of 50% of its European honeybees between 2006 and 2009.

Bee populations are slowly growing again thanks to the efforts of the hundreds of thousands of beekeepers scattered around the world. Knowing that you are part of the ongoing success story is extremely rewarding. It is reason enough to motivate many beekeepers to continue doing what they do.

Bees Are Pollinators

Every creature in nature has at least one primary function that contributes to a balanced ecosystem. In the case of honeybees, they contribute mainly as pollinators.
What is a pollinator? It is a creature that carries pollen from one plant to the other. Pollinators are critical to the existence of plant life. This alone will tell you how important bees are to nature.

Agriculture Depends on Bee

Many will be confused at this point, but i will clarify the point.
Do you know that one-third of all the agricultural products humans consume as food only grow because crops are pollinated by bees. Think about that for a minute. And when I say agriculture, I am including both raising crops and animal husbandry. Without the bees farmers will suffer.

There are other pollinators out there. But none are as prolific as the honeybee.


Keeping a couple of hives is enough to supply all the honey a family needs. There isn’t much money in it, but that doesn’t matter.
There are so many honey in the market, but they are not original, but having a couple of hives will supply you enough natural and original bee you want.

Thank you all for reading, hope you are motivated, if you have any interest you can drop a comment.
##Thanks Once Again

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