Poor little Dixie hasn't had the easiest time in her short 3 year life. She was born with a defective (not fully developed) left eye and later a huge 10 pound abdominal mass that was so large it dragged on the ground when she walked. Her owners no longer cared for her and she was dumped in a shelter in Las Vegas where she faced a bleak future.
Mere minutes from being euthanized she was saved by a rescue in Nebraska (B.A.C.A.N.) that specializes in abused and neglected bulldogs and thus began Dixie's journey.
Our part in her story began in the morning of a sunny day up in the northern AZ town of Seligman where we picked up Dixie after her early morning trip from Las Vegas.
It didn't take long for us to fall in love with this sweet little meatball of a bulldog who simply loved the attention and was oh so eager to give us plenty of doggy slobber kisses and tail-wagging.
Soon she contentedly plopped her wrinkly body onto my lap and settled in for a few hours drive across AZ to the city of Gallup a couple of hundred miles or so over in New Mexico.
Then our trip with Dixie suddenly became a true labor of love when we were notified that the next driver in NM had had her car vandalized and now couldn't help with Dixie's freedom ride. Suddenly our already long drive turned into a marathon as we agreed to continue on to Dixie's overnight stop in Albuquerque (another 2 and a half hours driving).
So on through the day
and into the night we drove on while Dixie slumbered and snored the hours away.
Finally 450 miles and hours later we bid Dixie goodnight and goodbye as she headed off for her NM slumber party and meeting her rescue Daddy the next afternoon in northern NM for the final stretch to the rescue.
It was an exhausting day (and night) as we covered 900 miles round trip and wearily got home at 2 AM the next morning - but it was worth the hours and miles to see Dixie cheat death and be on her way to her forever family after some treatment to fix her eyes.
Miss you little Dixie - have a long and happy life
I thought that I would share some of my stories of my involvement with transporting/helping out rescue animals (mostly dogs). This is something that I have been doing for the past 7 years or so.
No pay or professionals - just a bunch of great volunteers working together to help the less fortunate animals.
💖Happy stories that I hope you all enjoy💖
Here are some rescue organizations that I have worked with and support. Please help out these great people and seek out some of the many other rescue organizations - they always need our help.