SIZ EDUCATION || Computer creation and its utility.

in hive-181430 •  3 years ago 

Full Computer

  • Monitor.
  • C.P. U.
  • Keyboard.
  • Mouse.

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Computer creation and its utility.

A computer is an electronic machine that solves a variety of problems according to the instructions given. Can be used in. There are many types of computer which are as follows. Computers process data at very high speeds and it is much faster than humans. Where a human takes 5 to 10 minutes to calculate values, a computer can perform bullion calculations in one second. For example, multiplying 825 and 972, the computer takes one to two minutes. Computer speed is measured in MHz and GHz. The second feature is that it can store huge amount of data permanently and this stored data can be used by people at any time. It allows people to type all kinds of data into a computer.


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A computer can easily save thousands of books. It also saves the given instructions such as addition, multiplication and division etc. In addition, it can also perform logical functions such as comparing two numbers. So which of these numbers is bigger? An important feature of a computer is that it can provide results without any errors. It saves a huge amount of data and provides accurate results. Have been given If this is what a person does, then the chances of making a mistake are very high. That's why computers are used for accurate results. And its feature is that the data saved in it can be used as required. One of the reasons is that it can form on different types of tasks.That is why computer is used in every field of life. Now the question arises why computer was invented. As "Need is the mother of invention", it was invented with this in mind. Man has always been in search of a very fast calculation device. A digital computer was invented after a very long time. The first computing device was the Abacus, invented in the year 600. At that time it was used only for addition and subtraction.

  • The first generation of computers took place between 1942 and 1955. Computers began with the Universal Automatic Computer, which was developed by two scientists, MAUCHLY and ECHERT, in 1947 at the Cencuss Department of the United States. One of its features is that it can calculate data in milliseconds.

It can be seen that some of the first generation defects were that they were very large in computer size and they used a lot of energy and very quickly very hot. Used to be They were very expensive. Their speed was very low and one of their drawbacks was that they only used machine language.

  • And punch cards were used to input these computers. With this in mind, the second generation of computers came into being and these computers used transistors. Scientists at Bell Laboratories developed the transistor in 1947. These scientists included William and Barattain, John Bardeen and William Shockley.
    The features of this generation are that these computers are much smaller in size than the first generation and they use less energy and they are not too hot and they have good speed and they can calculate data in micro seconds.

And they use assembly language rather than machine language. And its disadvantage is that it is used only for a specific purpose. And they are very expensive. Punch cards are also used to give input.

  • Later third generation computers were invented and these computers use IC. IC stands for Integrated Circuits. The concept of integrated circuits was developed by Jack Kilby in 1958 and was an important invention in the computer field.

Some of its features are that these computers are smaller in size than the second generation and they use less energy. And these computers are less hot than second generation. It has good speed. And it calculates data in Nanoseconds. And it is used for Total General Purpose. One of its features is that it has good storage. The mouse and keyboard are used for giving.

The fourth generation of computer was invented in 1975. Examples are Apple Macintosh and IBMPC. Some of its features are that it is very powerful. Very small in size. Use less energy. And they use the instructions in one billion seconds.

C. P. U

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And it is also used for Total General. And they are cheaper than the previous generation. Since then science has progressed so much that with the help of modern technology the fifth generation of computer came into existence. Scientists are still working on this generation and Easy to understand In addition, with the help of modern technology came three types of computers, including analog computers, digital computers and hybrid computers. And so more and more types of computers came into existence and computers began to be used in every field. Gradually, scientific progress was made and the use of computer became more and more. Who is not familiar with computer in this day and age. Nowadays everything is being done online in minutes sitting at home via computer. Basically, what is a computer and what are the benefits of using it? In ancient times, people were not familiar with computers. Since then, science has progressed so much due to modern technology that computers are being used in every field as computers are being used in every home.

Since then, science has gradually advanced to such an extent that computers are being used in every field, just as computers are being used in every home. In the old days, people used to buy expensive tickets in cinemas to watch movies, but due to modern technology, people are now watching online movies on computer with the help of internet from home. Kids are playing online games on the computer. With the help of computer, people from miles away are being communicated via video call.

  • People can get all kinds of information from home with the help of internet and they are earning by doing their online business from home through computer. Children can also download all kinds of artistic movies, cartoons, Hindi songs, dramas and games. ۔ In addition, people use computers more and more to maintain their budget. In addition, the use of computers in every educational institution is increasing.


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  • Students are taking online lectures on computer through internet. Teachers use multimedia to deliver lectures in the classroom. In addition to this many websites are being used from which students can download all kinds of educational materials, books and all kinds of articles.

  • And computer is used for all kinds of research. People are reaping many benefits from this. In the old days, the use of computer in factories was not so much where minutes of work were done in hours but due to today's modern technology, science has advanced so much that every factory I am using computer and working hours in minutes. Computers are being used extensively in large factories. Computers are used in every business field. A businessman uses computers and the internet to run his business and builds new websites to inform his clients about his products. Is using advertising for marketing. Nowadays, there is a growing trend of online work in every field. A businessman is providing online work facilities to his clients from home which is further developing his business. If we talk today, people are becoming unemployed due to Corona virus in the country, but science has progressed to such an extent that people now start their own small business by working online at home computer. Can start In this way unemployment can be reduced by using computer.


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It seems that most of the people are moving towards online work. In addition, computers are being used more and more in hospitals and medical fields. It stores all kinds of records. Science has progressed to such an extent that where humans used to travel for years to reach the moon, today with the help of computer and internet the journey of years is being done in hours and minutes. Computers have made life easier for everyone. People can succeed in their goal if computer is used properly in every field. A small example that if a person goes for a job nowadays, the first question that is asked is do you know about computer? Is preferred.


02C. P. U

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