SIZ Education || Leadership V/S Management || By @arinaz08 || 10% reward to @siz-official

in hive-181430 •  4 years ago  (edited)


Hello friends. Welcome to yet another informative post. Today we will talk about Leadership v/s Management. Well friends the word leader or manager is most commonly used word in today world business. And they often used interchangeably. But have to ever wonder what these words really mean. To be a better leader or to have a good managing job. Today’s post we will talk about leadership v/s management in detail


So let’s take a look at the agenda of this post:

  • Management V/s Leadership
  • What is Management?
  • What is Leadership?
  • Differentiate between the both
  • Core values of Leader
  • Working and empowering people
  • True essence of Leadership
  • Conclusion

Management V/S Leadership:

"Well, what exactly mean of Management and leadership, there are three assumptions based upon the leadership v/s management"

  • Leadership Equals Management:That means both leadership and management are synonyms or rather than equal to each other

  • Leadership and Management are not equal

  • Leadership and management are complementary: Well they complement each other. They go side by side.

What is Management:

So now we will understand that what exact means of management. As we must have heard this word. A number of times. Probably in your studies or from somebody else

A manager is person who whose activity involves the following:

  • Planning
  • Organizing
  • Directing
  • Controlling

Well looking at these words you might wonder that manager is also a leader. Some of the managers can become the leaders if and only if they assume the responsibilities of a leader. Which inspiring your people Motivating them to achieve the goals. We’ll all of these words which is very very important for a manger. Because at the end of the day the manager is only doing administrative job. There are certain duties and responsibilities given to a manager.. An employee of the organization might want to follow manager only because of fear or responsibilities. And he is just doing his job by following the orders of the manager


What is Leadership?

The term leader is all about there in time is memorial. You might have heard the word leadership, how to be a good leader. In a lot of books or in a lot of people who might be a leader themselves. If you want to be a leader let’s understand what leadership is all about

The process through which leaders which leader influences the values, behavior and attitudes of the other.
You may also say something like that a leader is somebody who always acquire the skill set of good leader. A leader is different from manager because of the fact that a leader has its own personality and his own way of doing things which really charm the people around him not all leaders can be manager. In fact I would like to inform you that about this thing that leader have necessarily authoritative position in an organization. They might not be a head of a team or might not be even at a very important position in an organization. . And regular employee can be a good leader. So leadership is not always about authority. Or leadership is not all about position you might occupy in an organization


About Leaders:

Let’s understand little about leaders.

As mentioned before you might be a normal person but having the inspiration to become a leader. So these are certain skills sets to might even learn more how to become a leader. It is a very simple task to become a leader. You need to only believe yourself. And have faith to your abilities to make followers

A leader motivates the team members to perform well assonate about what he does. And also he loves to motivate people. He loves to show them direction.. Along with him to show them away. He might only tell them that this is the direction

Difference between Leaders and Management

A manager is someone who plans and budgets, who organizes and allocates resources. And he controls and solves the problems. Well friends in a simple line, a manager is only doing, what something above him and hierarchy has told him to do. He is only carrying out his job without really using his mind. He is only working day to day out not because of any other reason. So he organized his resourcesA leader shows a direction. He is only show the direction. He aligns and influences the people. Even they did not really to follow him. But at the same time, he aligns and influences the decisions in his own way.



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This is not a tutorial.

A tutorial means where you show us how to do a process or thing step by step.

Ok Sir. Next time I will correct it

Good Education post
Best of luck for this contest.

Informative post dear .
thanks for sharing this amazing post.