SIZ Tutorials| Amazon VA Series - Tutorial 2| Amazon Models

in hive-181430 •  3 years ago  (edited)

Hi! Everyone.

I hope you are all fine with great health. I am here again with another tutorial on Amazon Series. 🙂
Today I am going to introduce you some Models of Amazon on which people works.
So, what are we waiting for?😜
Let's start our new chapter.😉

Models of Amazon


Online Arbitrage

Online arbitrage is basically buying a product online at low price and selling at high price to earn some profit.
It is the easiest and quickest model to start on Amazon. Usually arbitrage sellers start with minimum $500 and maximum $2500.
The question arise here is How much time does it take to start?
Arbitrage sellers took less than six weeks to start minimum and maximum 3 months for those who starts from a little big budget.

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Retail Arbitrage

Retail arbitrage is buying from retail stores and selling online for profit.
This models is least expensive and least profitable. Some resellers says that their profit ratio is less than 20%.
Why this model is least profitable? I know this question pops up in your minds.
Retail arbitrage faces some challenges that make this model least expensive we'll talk about those challenges in detail later.




People are confused among online arbitrage and retail arbitrage. Remember these are not same at all. These are two different models of Amazon.

Difference between Online Arbitrage and Retail Arbitrage

Online arbitrage is buying goods online like from any website e.g., facebook, instagram etc. Whereas Retail arbitrage is buying from some local retail stores and selling online.

Which Model is better?

Online arbitrage is better and more profitable than retail arbitrage. Because retail arbitrage takes more time for their purchases.


Private Label

Private label is the model in which product is manufactured by third-party but seller sells it under his own brand name. In simple words selling a product under your brand name that is already being manufactured.
Amazon also has its own private label products with Amazon Essentials and Amazon Basics.
How much time and cost it took?
This is the most expensive model of Amazon. 65% private label sellers spend $2500 or more to start this model.
It took three months or more to start. May be took more time to start because manufacturing takes more time.



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  ·  3 years ago 

Great amazon series! Thanks for sharing such a useful information about amazon with us .Everyone can learn it easily and its very helpful for those who wants to start his/her own business in amazon.
Thanks for this post and best of luck for upcoming posts.