Today I'm writing about an intriguing and informative topic on man's desire to live forever, and how, in order to achieve this goal, he works tirelessly to create ways to live forever. Cryonic-death-defying technology was introduced in the modern period as a result of their efforts.
Cryonics is the rapid freezing and then preservation of a human body or severed head in liquid nitrogen at a low temperature with the speculative expectation of future resurrection. To perform cryonics, one must be certified clinically dead, and the process begins within minutes of death. The entire operation is carried out in the expectation that humanity will be revived in 50 to 100 years when science and technology have evolved to the point where they will be able to restore them.
### CRYONICS FACILITYThe Cryonics Institute (CI) is a non-profit organization in the United States that offers cryonics services. Robert Ettinger, the "Father of Cryonics," established it. Human cryonics, DNA/Tissue Freezing, and Pet Cryopreservation are among the services offered by the Cryonics Institute. ALCOR is another institution that provides similar service. The Alcor Life Extension Foundation is a Scottsdale, Arizona-based largest cryonics organization in the world. ALCOR has gone through this process on 182 bodies that have been officially pronounced dead. This procedure is also used on the bodies of dogs.
### PROCEDURE OF CRYONICSThe individual who has been proclaimed dead is given oxygen and transported to a facility where their body will be kept. The team will begin by replacing the blood with cryoprotectant, a substance that prevents ice from accumulating in the cells. Once the patient is put in liquid nitrogen and the body is chilled to -196 degrees Celsius, these cryoprotective chemicals cause the brain to vitrify. VITRIFICATION is the name for this procedure.
The patients will subsequently be put face down inside cryostats. They're filled with liquid nitrogen on a regular basis. The patients are expected to be resuscitated in the next days.
Many people and pets have been cryogenically frozen, but no one has ever been resurrected from cryosleep. The fact that many living organisms, including human embryos, can be effectively cytopreserved and resurrected, lends credence to cryonics. Man will continue to hope and attempt to get what he wishes in order to satisfy his ideas. But, more importantly, what if he is unable to revive any of these cryonic preserved individuals in the future?
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I want to specially thank,
@cryptokraze | @arie.steem | @qasimwaqar | @vvarishayy | @suboohi
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