SIZ Education | Attitudes and Habits of Millionaires | Part2: Take Responsibility for the Results

in hive-181430 •  3 years ago  (edited)

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How to become rich? What are the Attitudes of rich and successful people?

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I'm going to be sharing the top tips in three parts that have helped many other people along the way. If you want to read part 1, part 3; click the links below:


In particular, these are the things that will help get you hired, promoted and help you start a successful business, manage projects, money, and people.

Take Responsibility for the Results


The most important tip is that everybody needs to take responsibility for their results. A lot of people think that things are just going to happen to them in life. Their plan for success is that they go on their merry way, and all of a sudden, this thing or this person just swoops down into their lives, and poof makes all their dreams come true.

It’s not the case that never happens if you're obviously more brilliant than anybody around you; your head and shoulders above the crowd, everybody can see it, everybody knows it if that's you; best of luck to you. You may experience this, but for the rest of us, that's not the reality of this world.

We have to make things happen, and that's what I mean. I've seen examples of this and this fallacy of thinking where everybody thinks things will happen to them.

Fantascized Career Dreams


I've seen examples in careers where people are working at a job, and they think:

“I'm just going to keep my head down. I'm going to do what I'm told. And one day my boss is going to recognize how brilliant I am and they're going to give me that promotion or I'm going to keep my head down I'm going to keep doing my job.

One day our competitor will realize that I'm the reason why our business operation is so awesome. And they're going to try and hire me away, and they're going to give me my dream job."


Many people think that the investors will just magically show up at their door and throw money at them. Or they think that one day there will be a knock on the door, and it will be a representative of a large multinational corporation that wants to buy me out for millions of dollars. This is their plan, although that stuff happens. It's an exception to the rule.

What's much more typical is that those things don't happen on their own. If you're a human being and have access to the internet and read and write okay well, congratulations, you have all the tools you need to be fabulously successful.

Millions of people in this world are fabulously successful just by using those tools and nothing else. The only difference between them and possibly some of us that are not experiencing that is knowing how to use them correctly to get those results.

Learn To Make Things Happen

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All of you need to learn that life is long and life is a learning experience, and we can learn by studying, learn by doing, and improve. So if you throw yourself into something and learn it or study everything you can about something and try stuff after a while, you'll get good.

You'll learn it, you'll know how this stuff works, and then you'll be able to make things happen.

Will it be easy?
No, not necessarily.

Will it happen overnight?

Will it happen in one year?
Probably not

But after a couple of years of learning, of trying to figure everything out about this and trying stuff repeatedly, you will get somewhere. You will make incredible things happen that right now you won't believe would be possible.

Over to You!

The secret of doing that is to manage the downside so you can keep going. So we do it our way, we find a way that works for us, and it's incredible what human beings can do, and they really put their minds to it.

For that reason, everybody needs to take responsibility for their own results. And it means that we have to recognize that things don't happen to us; we have to create them.

I hope you found this helpful thank you very much for your time to read this valuable content.

Have yourselves a great day😍

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You did well done. Keep it up. May your dreams come true.

Great one. Good work

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

You ARE doing great