SIZ Education | Do Soft Skills help you get a Job?

in hive-181430 •  3 years ago 


Do you want to know the soft skills that help you get a job?

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If you're looking to get hired right now, there are basically three things that people look for hard skills, soft skills, and fit.
Hard skills

Hard skills are basically technical skills. These are the things mentioned explicitly in job postings. You pretty much have to have in your resume for you to be given an interview, but once you get to the interview, this is the part that surprises many people.

The interview usually is not about hard skills. It's about the soft skills that will get you to pass the interviews.

What are soft skills?


Examples of soft skills are your personality, attitude, manners, flexibility, motivation, and even things like your self-control. These are all off-cited examples of soft skills.

These are the actual concrete things that you can learn like anything else, and you can tack on to make yourself more capable. Things like communication skills, interpersonal skills, presentation and public speaking skills, negotiation skills, and there's a ton more.

This is a real opportunity here because soft skills have actually been on the decline in the last few years. And especially in the last little bit when many people are sitting at home, and other people are working remotely, that hasn't helped either.

So this is a real opportunity for you to elevate yourself above other candidates and stand out by having great soft skills.

Most of the time, you're pretty pleasant in the job interview, and you're a pleasure to deal with you're smiling, and you're trying to be pleasant or if it's working, but the real question is if they were to hire you,

Would you be this personable if you didn't get your way? And the pressure's on, and you have a difference of opinion with someone else, and you disagree with them. or if your current task had to change. That's the real question.

Soft skills in the Workplace


What does this look like?

Be professional, be polite, and always remember this when you interact with somebody else, no matter who it is. They should enjoy interacting with you, and they should look forward to interacting with you again.

Always remember, it's not enough that you are a good employee; you have to look sound and behave like a good employee. This is a huge topic, and as usual, I encourage people to go and do their own research, tune into this stuff, learn it, practice it, improve themselves.

And I guarantee that if you're looking for a job, it'll be a lot easier and if you're employed, but you're looking for a promotion, that'll go a lot easier too. You'll also be able to put yourself forward for higher-level jobs too as a candidate.

So hope that was helpful thank you very much for your attention you guys are awesome. Take care!

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