Assalam o Alaikam
Hy guys how are you, I hope you will be fine be fine and safe and sound by the grace of God and I am safe and sound by the grace of God and I am enjoying my life by the grace of Allah almighty. I will share my all tech diary with you in steem infinity zone.
So lets Start
Today i use whatsapp application for some time. These days very busy. When i open whatsapp i have many message in my chat list. My friends and other people message me. I seen all message one by one and reply to all message. Then i open friends group and see all past message and videos. My friends share some videos in group. All videos are very funny and some about any lesson. Whatsapp is a very useful application. We can video and adiou call on whatsapp to the people tjey live any place and country. Whatsapp is useing in all over world.
YouTube is a very useful application to all people. Youtube is a solution of all our technical problems. We can see all culture information from youtube throug videos. Today i see video about islamic program. I listen islamic video. This is possible from youtube.
Today i want to upgarde our all soical media applications. I open playstor and go to the sitting and see the applications which i update. Many apps available to upgrade. I click on the button and starting to upgrade. After some time all apps done. Now this apps working very fast and better.
I hope you will like my today tech diary game
Special Thanks