Are You Afraid of Your Own Success? An Abundance Tribe Question Answered

in hive-181465 •  4 years ago 



Are You Afraid of Your Own Success?

My Answer: I used to think I could answer this question with a big fat NO! Who wouldn't want success after all? There is a certain comfort in working in the background or hiding in the shadows. There is less responsibility if things do not work out, since it is not you who is putting forth the full measure of devotion. It is always easier and safer to assist instead of taking charge.

I am not saying that there is anything wrong with assisting the endeavors of others. In fact, those in positions of sub-managerial roles are the backbone of any large project. I am also a firm believer in coming where you are called, placing yourself in stations that are suited to your aptitudes, and sometimes purposely taking a backseat to the bigger picture knowing it is in the best interest of optimization.

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I am naturally an agorist, so I tend to spread my energy around between many projects at once, leaving many partially finished ones in my wake quite frequently. I have always been this way, but sometimes I think that the reason I leave projects unfinished is due to a subconscious fear of the potential success I would achieve upon their completion. It is hard for me to completely commit to things, as variation is my natural creative tendency.

Conventional society does not exactly cater to a multifaceted agorist lifestyle either, and in many ways puts you at a severe disadvantage for financial progression. Participating in truly free marketplaces that do not adhere to or acknowledge government trade regulation puts you outside of something called "registered income", and will not help you when applying for a loan to buy a house or land. It is much easier to accomplish such feats when working an over the table job for many years, and provides other opportunities that are much harder for the agorist to achieve as well. Even when I was working more mainstream type jobs when I was younger, I still found myself jumping between fields. Doing one thing for too long bores my spirit, and increases my craving for versatility with each passing day of monotony.

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No matter what your station in life, I feel we all share a common calling in this modern human world - a calling to be more than what we are, to strive for something greater, leaving a positive mark on the world to pass on to future generations. Being comfortable for too long without facing challenge stifles growth, while too much challenge could kill you - finding the balance is key to happiness. If you already have everything you need and it is indefinitely sustainable, then look to teach others how to achieve a similar symbiosis. This is the same reasons angels leave paradise to visit Earth... that same calling (no religious ties implied). Do not ally with content and complacence, as they are the enemy of your evolution, and your legacy.

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Your intuition serves as the pure truth of what you know you must to do be successful. So are we afraid of success, or are we afraid of the discomfort from sacrifices we know we must make/face to achieve it? Sacrifices we are not ready, and may never be ready to make. looking into the abyss, taking the plunge, facing your shadow... these are all ways to describe where this is heading. Avoiding the thing(s) you are most afraid of because although you know it may be extremely painful to confront, but also are aware that is the the most likely path to achieve success in your life - the life that you are meant for, to lead, be an example, an inspiration to all those that walk, or have walked in your shoes, on your path, ones who have felt how you are feeling, and seeing you make those difficult choices and achieving your dreams because you were able to make the tough call. I'm not saying it will always work out, but sometimes, with some things... you just know it will - especially if you know in your heart what it will take to get there, and having that ability.

So actually the real question is: How bad do you want it?... and are the necessary sacrifices worth it to you? Know what's best for your better self, your future self - love who you are, but love more who you are meant to be, who you want to be, and pay tribute to your future self TODAY. Just never forget how you are affecting those you care about as you take these steps. If you are putting your tribe first, and yourself second, ask yourself again, are the sacrifices worth it for everyone I love in my life. These are all thoughts I think we should hold close as we move forward. I, likely along with many of you don't really know if the sacrifices are worth it in reality, but in our minds and hearts, isn't the truth more clear? If you can listen to what you are telling yourself, you will know the truth. Executing that vision is a different story entirely... it will take a whole lot of courage, so let's work on developing that.


Enchanted blessings - with love, truth, respect, & honor - @ELAmental.


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Stay tuned - into the right frequencies


Click here to hear my single: Shift the Focus on Soundcloud from my upcoming album: Power of Truth

(Link to new album title claim)

Click here to hear my un-mastered sample of No Consent

My debut conscious Hip-Hop album The Hex Wrecker is completely free for download on Bandcamp & Soundcloud (click the links to go to my music on those platforms), or CLICK HERE for download instructions.



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