If There Were No Laws Or Rules In This World To Influence Our Behaviour, What Do You Think Our Behaviour Would Look Like?

in hive-181465 •  4 years ago 

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Humans are special being with the natural feature to possess dominion, this is to say; naturally people are born free without an ordinance to follow a specific path or a specific trait. Humans aren't preprogrammed to be a stereotypical aspect or one sided version of themselves and this includes the good and the bad side of them as well. As much as there's goodness in us, there's also a tendency for ugliness and only when there's a check that's how this "ugliness" is hidden. So what's that particular check? That's "law and order or rules". Now law and rules comes in different variables and personally this is training disciplining of oneself to be a better person, follow due process and orderliness.

When a child is born, it cannot differentiate between right or wrong. He's just an empty vessel waiting to be pruned in a direction as to where to go. So throughout his growth process before hitting maturity, his parents takes the time to prune him, teach him, show him norms, regulations, principles and rules and this helps him at a young age to determine or define what's right and what's wrong and what are necessarily important in life. Now while this child become an adult he has a choice to tilt to what he has been thought and become a better version of himself.

While he's growing up, he's exposed to other human rules and laws which will guide his coexistence between him and his fellow humans. Now you must know that this fellow humans hypothetically has undergone the same process as him and now are ready to coexist but then without the law and rules this wouldn't be possible. Laws and rules are what keeps the excesses of people in check but it isn't even the laws and rules itself. It's the fear of the consequences of not obeying laws and rules that actually what makes people obey law and rules. Although a human being might naturally have the disposition to obey laws and rules because they feel it's right but most of the time fear is what makes people obey laws and rules and imagine if that was taken away.

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How Would The Human Behaviour And Attitude Be Like Without Laws and Rules?

There would be a continuous existence of impunity and this might cut the human race short. Our attitude and behaviour is often guided by the principles which we've been exposed to. For example, morally it's wrong to kill someone and according to rules guiding constitutions and humanity there are punishments for doing so and even if people do not heed to their conscience then they'll fear to commit the crime of murder because of the consequence or the punishment. This would be the exact opposite if humans don't have laws and order.

There will be decadence to due process, no one would find anything wrong with doing the wrong things, no one would feel there's the need to do the right thing and if there wasn't law and rules, we might as well not recognise the essence of "right and wrong" or how it might tend to Influence our character. Without rules and laws we might not even know the essence of love and lets me explain why; having responsibilities is like a rule, everyone on earth grows into having responsibilities and if the was not laws guiding this responsibilities then we might find not reasons to show commitment to those we owe responsibility either to our children or parent. A lawless universe will influence us rather negatively and take away our positive values which we owe one another as humans and like I said earlier this might mean the end of humanity.

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I think that all people live according to the laws of the society in which they are. In this regard, the Internet somewhat blurs the boundaries and it seems that all the barriers are in your head. But this is not so, usually only society restrains the personality, in any case Max Stirner thought so