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I could use double the three second, free transactions, not exploding fees coins.
I'm all for a fork.
A fork gives us the best of both worlds, IMO.
All without gas bills or miner fees.

Right? That's where I am with it. Looking forward to dumping all my steemitron coins and using them to up my stake on the community chain :-)

Baah, that young man didn't get 84b USD by burning things down publicly.
He will wait until the furor dies down, and try to buy the keystone witnesses for cheap, iyam.
I hope they all just go away and leave us to our lives, but the odds of that look low.

Very true. The first couple town halls seemed like most everyone was on the same page and a fork was being worked on, then it started to get more wishy-washy as the following meetings happened.

I'm getting ready to make the full move myself, building a new site for myself (with the help of @clarkkozak), and taking all my best content over there.

It seems that the longer this occupation lasts, the less likely our ecosystem will actually make it out the other side of this ordeal.

Smteees! were that close!

Just let me know and I will create there and cross post here.
Asp, I get a keyboard, and mouse, I expect to be even more outspoken then.

Working on it now :D

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

The value in the steem token is the community and what we have built here

I'm all in... so count me in