Ask yourself?
What you want from your life?
Why are you here?
You know 90% people on the earth are here following the same pattern
Birth, marry,have kids and die
Their kids follow the same cycle
They never think of something new,innovations skills something due to which they can change someone's life
Just like discovering drugs,new AI engines,bots, many more thing
Ask yourself?
Do you want to die just like Normal people
What's your dream?
Ever thought what you want to become
Or following the same rat race 🐭🏃
Or just stop because average mindset people's say no it's impossible
Huh! Do you know? He's son got 99%
Or laugh at your dreams
You have to be selective because your results are impacted by the spend with the type of people
Stop thinking what others say or think of you.
Remember no one wants to see someone getting better job or in any place than themselves
They feel insecure
But once you become successful , same people who doubted you once will say
Do you know ?
He's my friend,relative,….
Now coming to the point
Leave your phone on your table go upstairs and introspect
Make goals , something new, which only you can see
Take step by step action because without action it will be a dream you have to give it life
Prove your existence
I do self talk daily (30min to 1hr ) and I get excellent suggestions which no one gave me 😇 my true friend looking at me my future self talking to me
My past mistakes talking me & my future self is guiding me about the outcomes
Don't die , do something not for fame or money because they will come automatically
Just for your satisfaction
So that whenever i die i could say i did it
😅😅 quite emotional answer
By me to me
All the best
Make big goals start small
Make your country proud
Make your parents proud
And most importantly
Yourself proud
My kings and Queens
Spreading love & happiness to entire universe