Ever since I was a child, I’ve been fascinated by the mysteries of the Universe and the worlds within its vastness. Have you ever look into the sky at night or early in the morning?
It feels really odd to see that everything seems static while everything else near me moves really fast. The movement of the stars relative to mine doesn’t really make sense to me. Is it because we’re small the rest of them are colossal? Are they even real? What could be out there? These are the questions I have when I was little.
I can’t really tell what I was really thinking back then. Maybe those questions were brought up by my curious mind.
The Universe is really good at keeping a mystery about it. What if we are that close to it? What if we are as significant as the world? Would it be easier for us to tell beyond what we know about the other worlds?
Inspired by these odd thoughts is my artwork for today, I’m calling it “The Deep Silence”.
Here are some snaps of my drawing process.
As usual, my work was drawn on a piece of bond paper using my 2B mechanical pencil.
I hope you are great tonight. Ciao!