The Power of Mindfulness: How to Live in the Moment

in hive-182834 •  2 years ago 

It’s hard to live in the moment with so many distractions constantly pulling us out of the present. Our smartphones are the most common culprit, but they’re far from the only one. Our brains can be awfully good at fabricating reasons to keep our focus on something other than what we should be doing right now, even if it’s just thinking about what we need to do later in the day or tomorrow when we should really be relaxing.

My Journey Into Meditation
Three years ago, I never would have thought I’d be where I am today. After suffering from years of chronic pain, along with severe bouts of depression and anxiety, I was at my wits end—until one fateful day when a co-worker invited me to try meditation. Today, meditation has become an essential part of my life; it’s how I get through the day without succumbing to negativity or stress.

What Is Meditation?
Meditation involves relaxing and focusing your mind. It’s a very effective way to become more mindful, which is why it’s so popular nowadays. However, many people don’t know what meditation actually is.

Calmness Through Mindfulness

To live a happy, calm life, you need to be present. A little mindfulness meditation can help clear your mind and give you a fresh perspective on things. Start by finding a comfortable position, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. If thoughts come into your head, let them pass through without judgment or concern. Don’t worry about falling asleep; it will happen naturally if you relax and focus on keeping your attention focused only on breathing. After just five minutes, you'll feel refreshed and ready for whatever lies ahead!

Meditation Techniques For Beginners
There are so many meditation techniques for beginners out there. If you’re having trouble with your practice, here’s how I recommend dealing with it. The first step is coming to terms with why your practice might be suffering. It could be because you don’t have a specific purpose for meditating, or maybe it’s that you simply don’t like doing it and would rather take some time out and play a game on your phone instead. Whatever it may be, once you figure out what’s holding you back from practicing regularly, then it will become much easier to find ways around these obstacles.

Meditation Tips To Stay Focused

Benefits Of Practicing Yoga And Meditation Regularly

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A beautiful and useful article and a wallet for me The power of the human soul Complete meditation and practicing meditation exercises correctly combats all diseases Chronic pain, along with severe episodes of depression and anxiety,
Meditation benefits the mind and body

It's the way I live today without succumbing to negativity or stress.
Thank you for introducing us to this interesting topic. Greetings

Glad you liked it, I do not claim to be an expert but meditation helped me a lot, and I liked to share that (:
you can follow me if you like, I will post more about meditation and my experience with it.