Something I Could Fall Into And And YOu Can't Live With Them
But, this one is fairly obvious to me. It's someone who has been devastated by love, yet needing someone to love and needing to be loved, caught in this strange human valley.
What else are you going to do when you're going through a divorce? Make an album about the experience, of course.
I called up my old music partner Leslie Wills and flew her down from Denver to make what would become 'The Wills Session' EP #1
We actually recorded a full album, but my came home before I could finish the mixing on the other EP.
And, that's a good thing.
My wife came over on the day we were to sign the final divorce papers but instead ended up staying. We worked through the divorce, which is all behind us, years ago, a history of love now. Leslie went back to Denver, and we've done a few tour dates together since.
That is the short story. I'll finish the 2nd EP someday. For now, though, I've been too busy writing love songs for my wife and family on albums like You, and The Family Songbook.
A Little About Something I could Fall Into
I'm never really sure what a song is 'about'; some songs I know more than other songs. I try not to overthink what they are about. Songwriters that do that end up creating propaganda of the heart; I've fallen into that trap.
But, this one is pretty obvious to me. It's someone who has been devastated by love, yet needing someone to love and needing to be loved, caught in this strange human valley.
It was summed up rather well by one of my favorite songwriters, Fozzy Bear in the profound musical piece: You Can't LIve With them, Can't Live without them
Hey if you like my song above, not the Fozzy Bear one 🙄 . There is a whole dang EP me and Leslie made called The Wills Session. You can listen to it now on your favorite music app. See a few links below.
The Wills Session EP now on spotify and Apple Music and Pandora And everywhere else. 
Follow my writing @ezravan and my music blog @ezravancil