Hello guys! I hope you have a great day! Today I want to share with you these drawings inspired by characters of chinese mythology.
Fenghuang ( the chinese phoenix)
The chinese phoenix, collective mythologies surrounding the bird suggest that Fenghuang is an immortal bird. Unlike the phoenix of the west which ages, dies and is reborn, the Fenghuang bird simply lives forever.
Wen Chang
Wen chang, the god of literature and a patron of all who take exams or test.
In typical story, a student prayed to Wen Chang for help after he had taken an exam and done miserably. Wen Chang answered his prayer in a dream where he appeared in the examination office an threw several essays, including the student's into a fire. The god then transformed the burnt papers into corrected papers and instructed the student to memorize the proper answers.
When the student woke up, he found out that there had been a fire in the examination hall where the essays were kept.Every student had to repeat the exam. Armed with Wen Chang's advice, the student passed.
I'm just art student, i keep learning.
Thanks for see my post!
Peace for all <3