How can we build a digital identity as freelancers?

in hive-183209 •  3 years ago 

We often discussed the difficulty of the digital presence of a freelancer at the beginning of his career, how he could appear among this large number of distinguished freelancers.

Some are frankly frustrated and I was among them at first glance, but let us agree that if your first job was good enough then you are too late, so there is no need for frustration or feeling anxious and let us see together how we can manifest ourselves and build us a distinct presence or what is called (digital identity) .

Identity building elements, or what points should I pay attention to when entering the freelance field?


First: Self-knowledge.

As how can we, as independents, establish for ourselves a respectable entity when we do not know anything about it, so it is better for us to work on identifying the following:

Our goals (Why should we join freelance platforms?) The answer, for example: in order to make money.

Our skills (what services can I provide with excellence or creativity?), For example, could design be.

Our strengths (what are the factors that qualify us to win projects), for example, an advanced computer, a micro camera, a private office.

Our weaknesses or obstacles facing us, for example, lack of time, or lack of experience.

Solutions: We put an appropriate solution for each of these problems and start working on it.

The other section that we are interested in analyzing is knowing our followers, our audience, or our customers.

We agreed that we determined that our skill was design.

What might the customer need from me? How do you think? Is my quotation suitable? Are the tools, software and applications I rely on good? What are the challenges my client faces when dealing with us as designers?

By answering these questions, we will gain a better understanding of the road map we are following.

The last point we are interested in looking at when building a digital identity is studying competitors in the same field.

What service packages do they provide?

How is their price plan?

Do they offer offers or discounts to attract customers?

What are their strengths? What is amazing about their work?

What are their weaknesses? What is taken on them? Is there a loophole through which we can excel and influence?

My friends, these were the basic pillars of building an identity, but there are secondary points such as visual identity.

As if the independent put himself a distinctive logo, in my opinion, this is an important factor, so do you think it is essential? Or is it not that important?

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