We'll be in space soon, and you may be among the travelers!

in hive-183209 •  3 years ago 

Have you ever wondered why there is a special interest in Mars, where billions of dollars have been paid for Martian projects and many robots and satellites sent to the Red Planet from various space agencies around the world such as NASA, the European Space Agency and others? What's the secret to this interest? Why do scientists believe there are living creatures on it? How is it that detonating nuclear bombs is the perfect solution to its problems?

Mars is the third planet to be far from the Sun, and its order comes after our Earth, Mars is similar to Earth with many of the qualities that we will address in this article, but they have some obvious differences, for example, one year on earth is about 365 days - the time it takes the Earth to take a cycle around the sun - while one Martian year takes 687 days! This is because Mars is further away from the Sun than Earth and is slower to rotate around the Sun because of the sun's weak gravity on it. Many scientists and interested people stressed the importance of traveling to Mars and building settlements inhabited by humans permanently because they believe that the future of the Earth is under increasingly different threats, what are these allegations, what are their validity, and are they sufficient reason to colonize the Red Planet?


The world's population in the last statistic in 2019 was 7.8 billion people (BBR), while the earth's maximum capacity is estimated at 9 billion, the maximum that allows everyone to live and be food-content (Live Science). With the rapid growth of human offspring, the Earth is expected to reach its highest expansion by 2050 (Live Science). If the Earth reaches its maximum expansion, famines will spread around the world and wars between human beings will break out in the coveted resources of all kinds, making it imperative that we seek urgent solutions.

Then comes the water problem, it is true that water accounts for about 71% of the planet, but only 0.3% is drinkable, and the majority of this potable water is not drinkable either frozen in the North and South Pole or deep in the ground (NGI). According to the United Nations, water consumption has doubled compared to the human population in the last century, and in 2025 more than 1.8 billion people will suffer from water shortages around the world! Either we drink the sea, or we die thirsty!

Other causes such as global warming, environmental pollution and the possibility of nuclear wars have put our lives on Earth under mounting threat. It has hurt the annihilation of humanity or life as a whole on earth. If we recognize that life on Earth is suspicious, and that travel is an impossibility, why travel to Mars in particular, not other planets such as The Flower or Jupiter?

Mars was particularly chosen because it has several most appropriate considerations. First, it is the closest distance to Earth as the second closest to earth is twice the distance and therefore humans cannot be sent to it. Secondly, evidence shows that Mars was very similar to Earth billions of years ago, containing running rivers, anchor mountains, rebellious volcanoes, and an atmosphere that saves heat inside it and repels harmful rays from it - the atmosphere is an outer layer of certain gases covering the planet and has important benefits such as repelling harmful rays from the sun and keeping heat from going out into space - and some even believe there are living creatures on it.

If Mars is perfect, why haven't we traveled yet?

The great dilemma in the issue of travel to Mars is not in its past but in its present, although it is similar to our Earth in the past, but it is no longer so, the planet has undergone changes over time that have damaged its atmosphere and almost no, resulting in the influence of heat from it becoming very cold, with an average temperature of -60°C - the average temperature on the planet 14°C - so the water froze and the volcanoes subsided. Then it was an effect if ultraviolet rays were carried out from the sun to the surface of the planet to make any life similar to that of ours impossible.


So what's the solution?

The simplest and most realistic solution is the creation of colonies that protect those within them from the dangers of the red planet, and there are some different theories and claims to solve the problem, including a proposal by the American billionaire owner of the American space company SpaceX Elon Musk, which provides for sending nuclear warheads to the poles of the planet to create, as others believe, thermal warming that leads to the emergence of an atmosphere and its return as it was, some believe that the idea is crazy and may cause an imbalance in the entire solar system in what others think is an innovative idea. doable that would make Mars similar to Earth.

Given the great challenges facing the planet, from large populations, lack of resources to environmental risks, the need for a reserve tributary if the Earth fails to receive life, but the invasion of Mars is an elusive ambition given the enormous difficulties of its viability, SpaceX is ambitious to send the first human spacecraft to Mars over the next few years, while NASA realistically believes in sending its astronauts by the next decade.

Will Mars be our only port in case the Earth is disturbed? Or should we re-pour these billions into projects aimed at making the Earth a better planet as renewable energy projects? Finally, if you get the conditions and offer you a free seat to go to Mars, are you going and why?

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Human can't travel to the Mars, but can send robots

We also cannot travel to the moon. Said literally everyone for thousands of years. Till we did.

Experts say we can travel to Mars, and billions of dollars in planning won't be happening if they cannot prove their claims at least theoretically. Which they did.

I'm afraid your statement is out on the internet now, and with the first Mars landing just a handful of years away, will bite you in future. :D

If it's possible to go that way I can send myself there for testing, no worries