The diary game ||04/03/2025|| Enjoying the moment: Fitness,Food and More.

in hive-183369 •  yesterday 


Today's have been One of those days where every minute's is full of activities. It was such a good day, the weather was bright and clear, while I was at my best mode and energy,to tackle the day however it might present itself. Let's see how my day really goes I hope it will worth you time reading.

Morning: Sweating Out at Oba Mini Stadium

I began the day in excersice fitting spirit, I double up my canvas ,I wore my sport wears and headoff to our own home stadium—Oba Mini Stadium. The stayfit crew stays at Oba Mini. Just as morning sunshine began to shine I was already on my way out. My energy was so full and active.

Arriving there our coach @ngoenyi was already at the training center. We plunged into our cardio exercises with full gravity. I started by making a few warm up runs around the field,after about 5 times running I stopped.


I continued with arm circles, arms out and arms spinning round and round, one direction and then another. It was a little excersice to start as a warmup. Next we were stretching shoulders, a smooth motion that had stiff shoulders to make some sounds like: , kakcrock,kucck kpob.

But that was only the beginning—we were drilled with squats, lunges, and even jogging lightly around the stadium.

And then I was sweating, and my heart was pounding fast and heavy. There's nothing that starts my day off on a better note than a little excercise to make my body flexible. My teammate where ask for shoot which I gave them better shoot as seen below. Exactly 8:30 am we all left to our various ways , to Began our daily activities.

Afternoon: Food, Friendship, and Fun

However my afternoon was not short of adventures either, I had a lot of things to do . On my schedule, first, I had to barb my hair so headoff to visit my friend @jewel005, which is my best Barber. I went to his shop for hair cut. For me there is nothing so beautiful and sweet as the feeling of having just a fresh hair cut mostly exactly the way I want my hair to be.


After the haircut was done and I looked more decent that before,our tummies reminded us that it was hours since we had eaten our breakfast. We both became very hungry and therefore made a choice to headoff to one of the restaurants close to us and have our lunch.


Are you guessing our menu for the lunch? Yeah, it was a delicious afang soup and eba. Oh, the sweet taste was topnuch! The aroma of the soup, which was packed with vegetables and meat ,oil etc , makes me not feel myself 🤪😋.


We wiped out our plates like two lions who were coming back from a very long mission. The eba paired so well with the sweetness of the soup, and we did not hold get a second round. We swallowed them as if they would go out of our stomach with style. The whole meal cost us only 2000 naira, which we gladly paid. That is about 10 Steem at today's exchange rates for such delicious meal for two of us.


We simply couldn't help taking a photo as we were eating and enjoying the meal. It was a silly moment for us because of the funny photos I tooked. I then walked @Jewel005 to his store, and we sat and chatted for a little bit about the Steem prices and how they had been doing. We then had a pep talk in the sense that we both encouraged each other to remain positive and move forward no matter where the crypto market was headed to. As the sun began to set, slowly, I hailed a taxi home. The ride was silent, and I couldn't help but appreciate such a satisfying afternoon.

Evening: Coconut Rice and Steemit Goals

On returning home, I made myself into a long rest and gave myself a much-needed nap. On waking up ,the sky outside had turned dark . There were also plans and activities for the evening, and I was to get into them so that i can sleep early.

Preparing the Coconut 🥥

However I helped Mum in the kitchen first. Coconut rice was to be prepared by the evening, my favorite food back home. I prepared the coconut to help her and that was wonderful because while preparing I ate some as usual. The kitchen smelled so nice with boiling spices, rice, and other ingredients including the fresh coconut milk.

Coconut rice as my dinner 🍽️

Dinner was just wonderful. The coconut rice was well done, and the right level of flavor and texture was added. I did not leave any food in my plate I finished everything. Nothing comes close to food prepared at home, especially if it is prepared by my mum.

After being fed and my body batteries recharged, my alarm beep for my nighttime home workout Excersice. Excersicing again felt amazing, though, with sweat, having me rushing to shower after with cold and fresh water. My body was Clean and fresh once again and the cold breeze was making me more enjoyable at the moment.

I spent the rest of my evening in keeping my Steemit account current and active. Reading, postings, crafting my own responses, and communicating with other steemian friends.As the clock drew near bed time, I retired to bed in a sweet mode.

All shown pictures are mine 📱

Device-Tecno spark30
Photographer -@emishael60

The thumbnail image is edited by me on pixellab app.

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Your post from Team6 has been curated by @adriancabrera

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