in hive-183369 •  2 months ago  (edited)

[Pixaby (https://pixabay.com/illustrations/child-clipart-cute-design-teacher-2782666/)


In our modern day world, the society now have the most influence on children rather than their parents and teachers as it was in our period.
Children now pick celebrities in the music industry and movie industries to be their model forgetting that the parents should be their first role model but, how can the children be blamed. What if the parents aren't even whom should be used as model to their children or society.

To backup the above point made, here are the reasons I said the society has the most influence now.

• In recent times movies are with sophisticated contents and graphics. During my childhood days, contents displayed on the tv are being monitored.
• Role model were modest in their dressings and their character was meant to be worthy of emulation. Today, role models indulge in immoral activities.



My childhood days was fun I'd say. The people who influenced me most was my teachers, then my parents, the church and society.

I always act up when I'm with my friends but, it was a whole different thing when I am around my teachers. They influenced me alot positively. In terms of reading, writing, and engagement in social activities. I dare not misbehave for fear of the next individuals whom influenced me, my parents.

Yes you guessed right. I could misbehave and throw up certain acts with my parents and get ignored but if the news of misbehavior comes directly from my teachers to them, then I'm gone. I will get the worse beating of my life. Like they, my parents said " teachers are beautiful being, ought to be treated with love, respect and care".

I sometimes let a tear out whenever I see parents go to school to confront teachers who discipline their children. This teachers work days and some rarely have time for their selves just for the betterment of your children whom if you are told to lecture or teach, you will give more credit to them.

The church also influenced me. Everything ought to start with God. I dread being called for discipline in the church. My parents and I go to separate church since age five and I once told my parents I am going to church by five only to leave the house by three and go to my best friends house. Dad and mom called my pastor to ask for my whereabout. He said "it is not yet time for their rehearsal" coming to church, the pastor asked where I was I lied without knowing my dad asked already. I was flogged together with her; my best friend in front of the elders. I took heed and till date dread being reported for misbehavior.

The society influenced me too checks were put when my parents leave home. The neighbors and elders of the community were are watchdog who could discipline you properly. I doubt if it's still in existence. As my parents say "The training of a child is for all". If he is bad he is bad for all because he brings harm and inflict pains on people but if he's good, he brings growth to the community.

[Pixaby (https://www.istockphoto.com/photo/activity-table-fun-gm2150364884-571536142)


A child can retrain himself even when he has a good background/home training. This is because the influence of the society and peer groups has increased rapidly. You can't trust or differentiate who is good anymore or who is worthy of trust. Gone are the days when goodness, kindness, truthfulness were great virtues bit now , all has died done due to the rapid increase in lies, and other unacceptable activities in the society.

How I influence my younger ones is different. I really enjoy creativity. I sit to watch them and I help out when I'm told to do so.

I can't lay my hands on my younger ones but I correct them with love and I shout. Yes, I should be given a degree for that. I shout at them if they get on my nerves but they laugh and wave it off because I still seek after the activities they enjoy doing and help out. I carried out a threat of never giving them my snacks, food or anything I buy cause they made me angry but this was my sister's reply " You will do no such thing, you carry out empty threats. When you are done shouting I know thats all our punishment, you have no heart of hurting or being wicked to the point you stop sharing your things. Just tell me another lie you learnt". I just hissed and left, no idea of what to say. I enjoy it to know my influence on them is that I will always care for them as long as I have the capability.

I will like to invite @imohmitch @davidmarkgeorge @promisezella

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