You might have been caught scratching your head wondering what the thousands of NFT
tokens are doing in your wallet and where they might have come from. The simple answer is it is from APENFT and there have been continuous airdrops of the token. APENFT may be the most slept on project for all TRON lovers. As of late the longest lasting problem surrounding the entire NON FUNGIBLE TOKEN space has been accessibility and affordability. Keeping this in mind, it is easy to agree that the TRON blockchain has been a mainframe for dealing with accessibility and affordability issues. Additionally, the TRON blockchain has been doing this for many years now and rather successfully.

Staying relevant with blockchain and cryptocurrency trends, TRON has executed its own NFT platform with the main focus of executing a new trend of highly accessible non-fungible using the TRON blockchain technology's fast transactions and low transaction fees. The APENFT website is already live (see here), and most of the updates are regularly posted on the official APENFT medium blog (see here).
The airdrops of NFT tokens have been coming in successfully with most of the important details being consistently posted on the blog for maximum transparency and trust. The latest airdrop was on the 13th of April and the snapshot for this airdrop was taken on the 10th of April. All of this information can be verified on here. The airdrops are still being given to holders of TRON tokens like BTT, TRX, WIN, etc. and many more addresses which are participating in different TRON events.

The noise surrounding APENFT is very muffled as of now. But all TRON blockchain fans know the long-term potential of this project. The fact that the project is still slept on gives it a high reward potential for early adopters and a greater potential for high retention rates. I do not think the price of the NFT
tokens is relevant in the conversation, but more the benefits it brings to TRON users and NFT lovers. It will be very interesting to watch the progress of APENFT as it grows along with the diversification and adoption of non-fingible tokens grow.