
in hive-183397 •  9 months ago 


What is Litecoin

Litecoin (LTC) is one of the oldest cryptocurrencies or crypto assets on the market, in contrast to Bitcoin which is often called gold.

Litecoin is often referred to as silver, because Litecoin uses the same code as Bitcoin and has many other similarities.

Faster and cheaper, although Litecoin shares the same protocol as Bitcoin, Litecoin is on a separate blockchain, just like Bitcoin.

Litecoin is a peer-to-peer crypto asset that aims to be a global digital payment system, much like Bitcoin.

Litecoin is an open-source network that is completely decentralized with no central authority, meaning it is not controlled by anyone.

Although it has many similarities with Bitcoin, it has some differences in terms of mining algorithms, fees, supply and transaction confirmation speed.

Where did Litecoin come from

Litecoin was originally licensed under the MIT/X11 license, in October 2011 by Charlie Lee, with the goal of developing a faster, cheaper and lighter version of Bitcoin.

Litecoin was created to complement Bitcoin by solving the problem of transaction fees and times.

Litecoin was launched after people used GPU (graphics card) functionality to mine Bitcoin.

Litecoin's goal is to create coins that are easy to mine through your home computer.

The main difference is in the lower block generation from 2.5 minutes, as well as the maximum coin limit of 84 million coins, while Bitcoin is 21 million.


Litecoin advantage
Scrypt Algorithm:
  • This scrypt (GPU) algorithm functions as an efficient Litecoin mine.
SegWit and Anti-Spam filters:
  • Litecoin pioneered a component that uses spam filters, in order to maintain a limitable blockchain size, thanks to SegWit and an ant-spam filter.
Faster transactions:
  • Litecoin may have very fast block times, this will make it the preferred digital currency for users.
  • Litecoin has the most progressive community and development team providing answers, in every question, and the high quality of interaction that has made it a popular digital currency for users.
Lack of Litecoin

The shortage of litecoin is also dependent on Bitcoin, If Bitcoin improves in the future and overcomes difficult scalability and transaction speed, then Litecoin may find that it is skating on fragile ice.

In essence the majority of crypto investors prefer Bitcoin so the term has become synonymous with cryptocurrency.

The difference is only in perception, if many experts argue that Litecoin and Bitcoin are the same thing, only that the latter has become famous, like a battle of perception until one of the two will prove otherwise.




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This is an educational content. You have shared about Litecoin nicely. Thanks for sharing


Litecoin is a very old project in Crypto World and I have seen this coin in the market for more than five years however I think it did not perform well in the last market cycle. I still believe that this can do great in the market but there are many other coins that are better in terms of technology.

LiteCoins is a great article you have shared. Thanks for sharing this article.
