Can Cryptocurrency Flourish Despite Regulatory Challenges

in hive-183397 •  last month 


The cryptocurrency market is still quite young in comparison with other asset in the financial market, this one is quite young and as such is still subject to regulations which are rather strict and unclear and different countries having different views of it infact they always seems to be changing rules regarding the regulations and no doubt for this reason cryptocurrency prices has really been affected for this reason.

Unclear and lack of proper regulation framework for cryptocurrency has often lead to many skeptical about the asset class with some questioning it's legitimacy, afraid to involve in something that could rather be illegal anytime of the day and for this reason it often detracts investors off this market, that is all well and true.

But then despite the seemingly unclear regulatory framework as it concerns cryptocurrency yet they remain resilient and still standing, even though when many feel they won't survive or last they have not just survived but flourished despite this challenges, it makes us wonder why that is so, how is it that cryptocurrency has been able to flourish beyond all doubt despite the regulation challenges it face.

Well I will be talking about some things about cryptocurrency which has ensured it stands the test of time and still shocks us all often over performing expectations much to the delight of crypto enthusiast.

Cryptocurrency Doing Well Despite Regulatory Challenges, Why?

One of the reason behind cryptocurrency standing tall still even in the face of unfavorable regulations or strick one is due to its core nature, it's not really controlled by government so there is only so much they can do which is place rigid regulations on its use and all but they can't completely stamp it out.

Cryptocurrency it's a decentralized asset class free from the control and whims of the government, try as they could is clearly beyond them for this reason it makes most people still trust it as they know what it value is, financial freedom in it truest sense and that's what most government fear, now for the fact that this asset is decentralized and free from all sorts of censorship it's being able to flourish despites regulatory challenges.

Another obvious reason why cryptocurrency is still doing quite okay despite the strick regulations it has faced it due to the wonderful team and developers behind it all, I mean with different obstacles in terms of regulations thrown at it for several reasons, these team of developers keeps on working and keep coming up with bright and innovative ways to beat this obstacles posed by regulations, that's to say they find inventive ways to ensure that any challenge or difficulty which could put it in negative light of the laws is being worked on or improved on, which is to say the innovation constantly happening in this space ensures it speedy recovery and progress despite the regulatory challenges.

Another reason why cryptocurrency will always thrive is due to its appeal and what it has given to the masses, ordinarily in the financial world the way it's being set by the traditional system it's in a way that most of the masses who are in places that lacks banking infrastructures are cut off from the financial world as they find it difficult to enjoy their fundamental right, which is right to access to financial service due to lack of availability of proper infrastructure.

Cryptocurrency rightly ensures all have access to financial service despite how remote where you are is, as long as you have a device and it's connected to the internet, everyone enjoys easy financial services even those cut out by the banks they are able to seamlessly enjoy this all, making payments, receiving and investing or borrowing and lending with defi, so clearly cryptocurrency offers full financial service to all especially to the unbanked population which makes it hard then for it not to flourish despite the regulatory challenges since it has immense value to people's life.

Well no matter how hard they try, cryptocurrency is becoming a highly demanded asset class, the demands keeps driving high and high, Bitcoin for instance is a rare asset a digital gold with fixed supply as a result even the big institutions of the world no matter what they regulations are often hedge fund with cryptocurrency as fiat can't always be trusted, cryptocurrency then becomes an attractive alternative one which is seemingly better, and for this reason it becomes even hard for them to stamp out cryptocurrency as institutions keeps pouring money into it for it's value and the fact that apart from being a hedge it also offers a pretty nice investment opportunity, so there fore cryptocurrency would always remain and flourish despite changing in regulations.

Also apart from all this value also know that cryptocurrency is built on a very important and wonderful technology, Blockchain. This means that no matter what is new to rules and regulations blockchain still has applications in several sector and would still be used which kind of ensure people also invest in cryptocurrency whilst using it, I mean it's hard to ignore cryptocurrency while using it's technology. 😄


Ofcourse despite the changing and unsteady regulations on cryptocurrency which is often unfair it flourish for all the right reasons, now begin to wonder what happens when it faces global favorable regulations, I mean we could only imagine where it would be, it's only a matter of time before the government of the world learn to join in what they can't beat, because there is no beating blockchain technology and secretly they all know this.

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