CryptoRome game review

in hive-183397 •  28 days ago 


CryptoRome a game we can all enjoy hence my review on this blockchain game which from the name, crypto Rome you should know it incorporate the scene of ancient city of Rome battle field, yes this is an action and strategy game the only difference between this and your typical strategy game is that crypto Rome is blockchain based and this thus makes it stands out amongst all else.

The game settings is generally that of players world over who participate in the game to be engaged in a rather fierce battle for who could possibly become Caesar of Rome but in the case of this game not really Caesar of Rome but that of CryptoRome so it kinds of mimic the scene of the ancient city of Rome so the stage is centered ofcourse around Europe, so it's quite a fun and competitive experience for the players involved.

We are able to buy lands in this game, build up our village, infact the village is even the games token, as we have up to 50,000 total supply of this token which means it's quiet scarce, we get to buy lands and the lands purchased by us is us automatically, it's part of our in-game asset and blockchain ensures an authentic ownership of this lands so to speak.

This is a game on the ethereum blockchain which means it's built on the network of ethereum and any any we have here is ours and can't be taken from us from anyone and this asset is often in form of lands and villages which we buy it conquer during the game, the token of the game is known as village token which means this villages are all traded asset in the game facilitated by the ethereum network.

CryptoRome is in this setting, we are able to manage our own armies or rather troops, ofcourse to conquer Europe you need troops and resources if you are to be taken seriously how much more trying to be the Caesar of Crypto Rome, you would need large troops indeed so it's up to the player to build up his troops and other necessary in-game resources he will need to make this quest achievable and at the very least be taken seriously as a competition ifnot they will be marched on by enemy or invading troops.

The task it quest is quiet simple of rather easy, like the objective isn't complex, your objective is for you to engage in battles each day, and for each of this battles you need a different ground that's to say you have to attempt to lunch series of attacks in new European lands every waking day, such is the task a player face in this game.

Now it's one thing to conquer a land and another thing to defend the already conquered place, hence to be true Caesar of CryptoRome that will be done by also ensuring that the lands we have already conquered in our conquest run are properly defended which is to say while attacking new lands everyday we must also leave troops behind to defend those lands we have conquered already so as not to lose what's already within grasp in a bid to get more, and to defend a place you will need troops and resources, that's for sure.

The objective should always be in our mind, the player or each player competing is aiming to do one thing, to get to senator rank atleast before then taking the Caesar's seat as the rule of CryptoRome, so hence this is not just a game of action and strategy as it create a scene depicting even the politics of then empire of Rome which all the more makes the game more thrilling.

We might wonder though, can such a game be played on a mobile device, a game so sophisticated as this with so much rich backgrounds and story, well the answer is yes, is can be played on your mobile device, computer or tablet. For those playing on mobile device they will have to add metamask extension on their browser so as to be able to fully play it as is backed or on the ethereum blockchain. So yes indeed crypto Rome can be enjoyed in any device of our choice be it Android or iPhone or computer.

As you conquer lands and village you can sell those village as they are the tokens of the game known as game token, this is the incentive, each land you conquer is quiet an opportunity to cash in if you want, so the game is incentivized, make no mistake.

And one doesn't necessarily need to have conquered villages while starting you can start small and grow your troops and lands from there even if you don't have purchasing power for troops you will be given troops starting up to give each one a fair chance to compete, such is the nature of the game.

Compete in crypto Rome game and have a fair share to earn amazing prizes.

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Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.


A beautiful game you have review. Keep going with it.

CryptoRome gave a great review about the game. I saw it for the first time today and after seeing your mixed reviews the game seems interesting to me. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful game with us.

CryptoRome game review very well shared again today. It's nice to see some game review posts from everyone. Then knowing about your posts gets more encouragement. Anyway, your post was good today.