Why cryptocurrency investment would dominant world finance soon

in hive-183397 •  last month 

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Well they are many believe that cryptocurrency would soon dominate world finance especially among cryptocurrency enthusiast since it boosts quite an incredible ability to do this because with the way things are already it is already shaping things in a whole new financial world order.

I for one believe that the idea is not totally out of question and cryptocurrency investment could be the new order of things and would greatly dominate the financial world with time to come though it's true alot of factors would have to come in to place for this to happen and for now that idea might be speculative at best but remains a big possibility if things continue the way they are or even worse.

They are some factors that make me really believe this would be a possibility or that shows cryptocurrency have the potential to have really huge significant impact in the future.

Factors that could drive cryptocurrency in having major impact

Decentralization and Financial Inclusion

One of the reasons that make cryptocurrency poised to become major force in the financial market is due to the fact that cryptocurrency is operating on a decentralized network it is not a government controlled currency and doesn't function like fiat do today and totally free from the control and whims of the government and the major financial institutions.

Cryptocurrency is truly in a world of its own, the very first decentralized currency something that hasn't been seen in the financial world before prior to the creation of the first cryptocurrency in 2008/2009 and for this reason many who were cut off ordinarily by the traditional financial system from gaining access to finance enjoy free access thanks to cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency creates opportunity for all but those in civilized places and those in third world country could gain access to cryptocurrency and thus enjoy unlimited financial services and what this does eventually is lead to a much wider acceptance and adoption and makes cryptocurrency truly positioned to dominate the financial world and this all thanks to its decentralized nature.


Blockchain Technology’s Trust and Transparency

Another reason why cryptocurrency invest could be set to dominate the world of finance is the fact that unlike what's common today in the financial world cryptocurrency thanks to its technology is transparent which ensures for integrity and makes the whole system trustworthy.

Cryptocurrency built on blockchain technology offers incredible advantage apart from being decentralized it is also transparent which alot of businesses would benefit from and even their customers alike and the transparency would folster trust between business corporation and consumers as the records on blockchain are not only transparent but immutable as well which is a very major advantage and one of the reason why cryptocurrency could potentially dominate the world of finance as it offers what isn't available by the traditional financial system.

So the transparent nature and immutability of blockchain technology which cryptocurrency is built on gurantees that payment are made seamlessly especially when it involves cross border and the integrity of the system is guaranteed which ensure trust.

Hedge Against Inflation and Currency Devaluation

Cryptocurrency also offers great benefits as the fledgeling fiat suffers from devaluation most times due to economic disasters like the type experienced in most parts of the world today cryptocurrency has the ability to be used as a hedge against this inflationary economy.

Bitcoin for instance is considered as a safe option for most people as a hedge to retain the value of their funds so that it doesn't drop sharply as the world economy continues to advance from bad to worse.

The fact that cryptocurrency could be used as a hedge as inflation is an added boost indeed as no fiat really could boost of such even countries in economic crisis could use Bitcoin to help maintain a stable economy and even add to the growth of their economy over time, it is proven, El Salvador is a perfect case study.

This fact alone shows why it's logical to conclude or atleast to reason that cryptocurrency dominating world finance is a real possibility.

Increasing Institutional Adoption

Also cryptocurrency is being really adopted on a larger scale today by hedge funds and big institutions and even banks so to speak. Most large firms if you check their portfolio today you will see cryptocurrency there, if you don't see Bitcoin you would see Ethereum atleast.

What this goes to show is that people are beginning to accept cryptocurrency and seeing big institutions keying in is also making the average person trust in cryptocurrency investment and what this does is set cryptocurrency to be able to completely dominate the financial market as institutions adoption gives cryptocurrency the proper legal right, it's only a matter of time.

Larger institutions investing in cryptocurrency is exactly what cryptocurrency needs to dominate the financial world as it gives it wider adoption the like of which have never been seen before.

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True all this paint a good picture of why cryptocurrency dominating the financial world is not out of question though there are some obstacle on the way but there is no denying the potential, decentralization, transparency, trust, security and institution adoption is one of the reasons why this could be realized in no distant time.

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Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.


Nice concept. But everyone have to use crypto. Then may be we will see this change. Thanks.