This is still enough risk appetite for these retail investors to come big time into the crypto market. Institutional investors put 1.6 into the crypto market in the last week. The 1.6 billion dollars going to break the crypto Market but it does show that we are seeing funds in institutions still institution is getting back into the game. They are saying if Bitcoin if we do move on to a broader attitude could be a great play that could outperform a lot of investment classes. 337 billion dollars broker Ib launch its Bitcoin trading in Hong Kong. East Asia particularly in Hong Kong markets is looking for potentially a big catalyst for the crypto market.
East Asia could be what lead the next bull run in crypto, we have the Giant brokers getting in to launch bitcoin trading. Singapore bank is applying for a Bitcoin license over in Hong Kong. It thing that is very important because Singapore reported 80% trading volume last year despite the bear market. The appetite was there in the bear market and now they are moving to Hong Kong to offer Bitcoin trading. Hong Kong has legalized crypto trading from the first of June. Previously, trading is limited to professional investors and now everyone is going to be allowed to buy and sell crypto from the first of June which could open up. A flood of money from potential mainland market, of course, remember that Hong Kong is a one country, two system thing, so it is not very easy for the mainland money to follow into Hong Kong.