Hzuki Nft Marketplace Review

in hive-183397 •  16 days ago 

I made it with Canva

First of all I thank my Lord who created me. Who kept me healthy and gave me strength to post among you today. I already informed you that I will try to give you some information about various Nft Collection. In continuation, today I will describe some important information about Hzuki nft Collection. I hope that through this post of mine, you will know many unknown information about Hzuki nft. Now I move towards my main post.

Hzuki :-The current Hzuki floor price is 7,500 MATIC. 201 sales were made from the Hzuki NFT collection in the past 24 hours, with a total trading volume of 2,148,594.04 MATIC.


Let's know about Item,Floor price,Volume of Hzuki Nft:- Hzuki Total items of Solana 10,001,Floor price 7,500 ETH,Volume 2,148,594.0 ETH.

Hzuki Sales:Hzuki Sales is at #1 position #6976 with a market value of 1ETH in the last 24 hours. #2954 whose last 24 hours market price is 1 ETH is at number 3 #1423 whose market price is 1.1ETH at number 4 position #2370 whose market price is 1.1ETH at number 5 position #2371 with a market price of 1.1 ETH.


Now let me tell you about the status of some Nft Market: Distribution of Blur in the last 24 hours in this market is 0.00%. Distribution of OpenSea in the last 24 hours Xe 0.00%. Distribution of X2Y2 in last 24 hours is 0.00%. Distribution of LooksRare is 0.00% in last 24 hours.


Now I will share with you Hzuki's Chat Activity in the last 24 hours: Among Hzuki's Item #6976, it was sold for 1 ETH. #2954 sold at number 2 Which cost 1 ETH. 3 sold number #9972 which cost 0ETH and 4 sold #1423 worth 1.1 ETH. This was the activity of this nft.

By the grace of my creator, I am very thankful that I could share this important post with you. From this post of mine you will know a lot of good information about Hzuki nft. Insha'Allah. Hope you all will be well and return to the path of truth. Like this is the end. Allah Hafez.

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

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