The Cheerful Elf desperately looked for a cheese grater to insert somewhere. It might have been a fairly new proposal, to my grandma, but not to the Elf, who felt that this idea is entertaining. You wouldnt have imagined, a cheese grater having that done to it
The Cheerful Elf desired a melon that they sometimes cuddle. It would be a fairly astonishing exercise, to my neighbour, but not to the Elf, who had decided that the idea was spectacular. Honestly, a melon is the item that was chosen.
The Cheerful Elf desperately needed a lava lamp that they liked to smash. This seems a somewhat surprising idea, to my children, but not to the Elf, who thinks that the idea was miraculous. Who would have imagined, a lava lamp would be the item that was opted for.
The Cheerful Elf desperately needed a magic 8 ball that they would sometimes put down their trousers. It might be a fairly funny undertaking, to me and my wife, but not to the Elf, who expected that it was in fact, wonderful. You wouldnt have thought, a magic 8 ball was the chosen thing.
The Cheerful Elf had a toilet brush that they would sleep with. This could be considered a fairly weird thought, to many, but not to the Elf, who assumed that the idea was out of this world. Honestly, a toilet brush is the item to choose.
The Cheerful Elf found a little monkey that they would often demolish. It was a somewhat surprising thought, to my dad, but not to the Elf, who expected that this idea is epic. A little monkey was the item that was opted for.