My Special Hedgehog always kept a cheese grater that they would occasionally break. This seems a fairly extraordinary suggestion, to me and my husband, but not to the Hedgehog, who considered it would be simply life. Who would have imagined, a cheese grater was the thing that was opted for.
My Special Hedgehog often carried a magic 8 ball that they would occasionally drop. It was a fairly surprising action, to my neighbour, but not to the Hedgehog, who thinks that this idea is the most awesome idea. Who would have thought, a magic 8 ball would be the chosen thing.
My Special Hedgehog needed a sponge that they liked to put down their trousers. It was a fairly different thought, to some, but not to the Hedgehog, who had come to the conclusion that this idea was wonderous. Honestly, a sponge being the item selected.
My Special Hedgehog needed a cheese grater that they would sometimes break. It is considered to be a curious proposal, to me and my husband, but not to the Hedgehog, who thought it would be breathtaking. Bizarrely, a cheese grater was the chosen item.
My Special Hedgehog craved for a cucumber that they would drop. It was considered to be a new action, to my neighbour, but not to the Hedgehog, who assumed that the idea was the most awesome idea. A cucumber would be the item that was chosen.
My Special Hedgehog carried a cup that they sometimes insert somewhere. This might appear to be a funny proposal, to my grandpa, but not to the Hedgehog, who thinks that this idea was amazing. Who would have imagined, a cup is the item that was chosen.