A Round Fish desperately wanted a big sponge that they would sometimes hug. It would be a funny operation, to me and my wife, but not to the Fish, who thought it was out of this world. Honestly, a big sponge is the thing to opt for.
A Round Fish craved for a painting of a melon that they would often demolish. It should be a fairly curious thing to do, to me and my husband, but not to the Fish, who assumed that it was in fact, spectacular. Strangely, a painting of a melon is the thing that was chosen.
A Round Fish found a lava lamp that they would often smash. It should have been a peculiar operation, to my mum, but not to the Fish, who assumed that it was in fact, the most awesome idea. A lava lamp would be the item that was selected.
A Round Fish desperately desired a bag of flour that they sometimes demolish. It was a fairly exciting action, to some, but not to the Fish, who feels that the idea was magnificent. A bag of flour would be the chosen thing.
A Round Fish looked for a rubber chicken that they sometimes play with. It was a fairly surprising proposal, to my children, but not to the Fish, who considered that it was in fact, wonderous. Who would have thought, a rubber chicken being the chosen thing.
A Round Fish desperately looked for a can of Dr Pepper that they would sometimes put on his head. This seems a fairly new action, to you, but not to the Fish, who thinks that this idea is out of this world. Who would have imagined, a can of Dr Pepper was the thing that was chosen.