The Silly Prince wanted a wig that they would sometimes smash. This seems a weird suggestion, to some, but not to the Prince, who expected that it was in fact, awe-inspring. You wouldnt have imagined, a wig having that done to it
The Silly Prince desperately looked for a pencil sharpener to put in the bath with him. This could be considered a fairly surprising action, to some, but not to the Prince, who thought that the idea was simply life. You wouldnt have imagined, a pencil sharpener being the item opted for.
The Silly Prince often carried a custard pie that they would sometimes share. One might find this to be a fairly funny thing to do, to many, but not to the Prince, who had decided that the idea was awe-inspring. You wouldnt have thought, a custard pie would be the thing that was selected.
The Silly Prince found a custard pie that they would often watch for 10 minutes every morning. This might appear to be a fairly original activity, to me and my children, but not to the Prince, who expected it was magnificent. Strangely, a custard pie is the thing to choose.
The Silly Prince desired a radiator that they would often smash. One might say this is a fairly original suggestion, to my children, but not to the Prince, who considered that the idea was awe-inspring. Strangely, a radiator being the thing selected.
The Silly Prince desperately wanted a crown to try to balance on their head. This is certainly a weird suggestion, to you and me, but not to the Prince, who assumed that the idea was breathtaking. Honestly, a crown was the thing that was chosen.