The Yellow Gremlin desperately needed a Harry Potter wand to throw. It was a fairly unusual activity, to you and me, but not to the Gremlin, who had decided that this idea is awe-inspring. Who would have thought, a Harry Potter wand having that done to it
The Yellow Gremlin always carried a stapler that they would often insert somewhere. It would have been an exciting idea, to me and my children, but not to the Gremlin, who considered that this idea is simply life. Remarkably, a stapler is the item to choose.
The Yellow Gremlin often carried a sack of potatoes that they would occasionally demolish. It might be a funny proposal, to me and my parents, but not to the Gremlin, who had come to the conclusion that the idea was stunning. Bizarrely, a sack of potatoes of all things.
The Yellow Gremlin always had with them a computer that they sometimes play with. It was considered to be a fairly funny approach to life, to you, but not to the Gremlin, who had decided that this idea was the most awesome idea. You wouldnt have imagined, a computer would be the item that was chosen.
The Yellow Gremlin looked for a lava lamp that they would sometimes hug. This might appear to be a weird and wonderful suggestion, to my children, but not to the Gremlin, who feels that this idea is exciting. Bizarrely, a lava lamp was the thing that was chosen.
The Yellow Gremlin desperately searched for a rubber chicken to hug. It should be an original thought, to me and my children, but not to the Gremlin, who considered that this idea is exciting. You wouldnt have thought, a rubber chicken would be the item that was opted for.