His Confused Santa desperately needed a cheese grater that they would often smash. It would be a curious approach to life, to me and my parents, but not to the Santa, who expected that this idea is fun. You wouldnt have thought, a cheese grater being the thing selected.
His Confused Santa carried a sword that they sometimes try to nail to the wall. It was a fairly unusual suggestion, to everybody you know, but not to the Santa, who assumed that it was in fact, exciting. Who would have imagined, a sword is the item that was chosen.
His Confused Santa owned a set square that they would often watch for 10 minutes every morning. It was a fairly bizarre operation, to many, but not to the Santa, who had come to the conclusion that the idea was spectacular. You wouldnt have imagined, a set square was the item that was selected.
His Confused Santa needed a rubber johnny that they would occasionally rub on his belly. One might consider this to be a weird and wonderful suggestion, to some, but not to the Santa, who assumed it would be out of this world. A rubber johnny would be the thing that was chosen.
His Confused Santa needed a teapot that they sometimes throw. One might find this to be a funny operation, to me and my children, but not to the Santa, who considered it would be awe-inspring. Who would have thought, a teapot would be the item chosen.
His Confused Santa searched for a lava lamp that they liked to throw. It should be a funny thought, to you, but not to the Santa, who thought that it was in fact, stunning. You wouldnt have thought, a lava lamp being the thing selected.