A Hungry Sparrow carried a cucumber that they would sometimes insert somewhere. It should be a fairly bizarre undertaking, to me and my parents, but not to the Sparrow, who felt it would be the most awesome idea. Remarkably, a cucumber was the thing that was opted for.
A Hungry Sparrow desired a cheese grater that they sometimes share. One might consider this to be a fairly peculiar idea, to me, but not to the Sparrow, who feels that the idea was magnificent. Remarkably, a cheese grater would be the chosen thing.
A Hungry Sparrow always carried a chocolate bar that they sometimes put on his head. This seems a strange undertaking, to me and my children, but not to the Sparrow, who feels that the idea was entertaining. You wouldnt have imagined, a chocolate bar is the item to opt for.
A Hungry Sparrow always kept a pen that they sometimes hug. It was an unusual thing to do, to everybody you know, but not to the Sparrow, who thought that this idea was out of this world. Honestly, a pen was the chosen thing.
A Hungry Sparrow often carried a painting of a melon that they would sometimes embrace. It was considered to be a strange thing to do, to my neighbour, but not to the Sparrow, who assumed that this idea was exciting. You wouldnt have imagined, a painting of a melon would be the thing that was selected.
A Hungry Sparrow wanted a magic 8 ball that they would sometimes put down their trousers. This seems to be a funny approach to life, to you and me, but not to the Sparrow, who thinks that this idea is spectacular. Bizarrely, a magic 8 ball was the thing that was opted for.