The Beautiful Builder desperately desired a pen that they liked to try to balance on their head. This is certainly a fairly weird thought, to many, but not to the Builder, who considered that the idea was amazing. Who would have imagined, a pen is the thing to opt for.
The Beautiful Builder desperately craved for a can of coke to cuddle. It might be an odd thing to do, to my children, but not to the Builder, who feels it was awe-inspring. Strangely, a can of coke was the chosen item.
The Beautiful Builder carried a painting of a melon that they sometimes share. One might say this is a different approach to life, to me and my wife, but not to the Builder, who thought that this idea is fun. You wouldnt have thought, a painting of a melon was the chosen thing.
The Beautiful Builder carried a CD player to smash. One might say this is a fairly bizarre suggestion, to you, but not to the Builder, who considered that the idea was sublime. You wouldnt have thought, a CD player is the thing that was chosen.
The Beautiful Builder desperately searched for a computer that they liked to cuddle. It might be a fairly astonishing suggestion, to me and my wife, but not to the Builder, who expected that the idea was the most awesome idea. Bizarrely, a computer was the item that was opted for.
The Beautiful Builder owned a bottle of wine that they would often put in the bath with him. It was considered to be a bizarre proposal, to my grandma, but not to the Builder, who thought that this idea was sublime. Honestly, a bottle of wine was the item that was selected.