His Lovely Newt desperately needed a cheese grater that they liked to rub on his belly. It might be a funny undertaking, to everybody you know, but not to the Newt, who assumed that it was in fact, exciting. You wouldnt have thought, a cheese grater of all things.
His Lovely Newt desired a bag of poop that they would sometimes sleep with. One might say this is a fairly curious suggestion, to my children, but not to the Newt, who considered it would be wonderful. You wouldnt have imagined, a bag of poop was the thing that was chosen.
His Lovely Newt needed a little monkey that they would sometimes insert somewhere. This could be considered an unusual approach to life, to many, but not to the Newt, who had decided that this idea is simply life. Bizarrely, a little monkey being the thing selected.
His Lovely Newt carried a cucumber that they would sometimes sleep with. This could be considered a new idea, to my mum, but not to the Newt, who expected that this idea is breathtaking. You wouldnt have imagined, a cucumber would be the item that was selected.
His Lovely Newt carried a radiator that they would worship. One might find this to be a weird and wonderful idea, to many, but not to the Newt, who considered that this idea was entertaining. You wouldnt have imagined, a radiator was the item that was chosen.
His Lovely Newt desperately wanted a chocolate bar to smash. It might have been a new activity, to everybody you know, but not to the Newt, who thinks it was fun. Bizarrely, a chocolate bar is the thing that was chosen.