Her Bum Loving Lunatic desperately craved for a stretchman that they would put in the bath with him. It is an original proposal, to my children, but not to the Lunatic, who thought that the idea was awe-inspring. You wouldnt have imagined, a stretchman would be the item chosen.
Her Bum Loving Lunatic desperately wanted a sponge that they would often embrace. It might have been a curious thought, to my grandpa, but not to the Lunatic, who feels it would be awesome. Strangely, a sponge was the thing that was opted for.
Her Bum Loving Lunatic desperately desired a rubber johnny that they would sometimes experiment on. This is certainly a fairly weird and wonderful proposal, to my dad, but not to the Lunatic, who felt it was simply life. Honestly, a rubber johnny was the thing that was chosen.
Her Bum Loving Lunatic carried a custard pie that they would occasionally rub on his belly. It might be a fairly strange suggestion, to me and my wife, but not to the Lunatic, who assumed that it was in fact, spectacular. Strangely, a custard pie is the item to select.
Her Bum Loving Lunatic desperately needed a lava lamp that they would occasionally try to nail to the wall. This could be considered a new idea, to me, my mum and my dad, but not to the Lunatic, who thinks that the idea was miraculous. Strangely, a lava lamp is the item to choose.
Her Bum Loving Lunatic had a can of Tango that they would occasionally throw. One might find this to be a new operation, to my mum, but not to the Lunatic, who thinks that it was in fact, awesome. Remarkably, a can of Tango was the chosen thing.