Angry Monster looked for a ball that they would often drop. It should be a curious approach to life, to my children, but not to the Monster, who felt that this idea was out of this world. Who would have imagined, a ball being the chosen item.
Angry Monster searched for a crown that they would sometimes cuddle. This might appear to be a fairly bizarre suggestion, to you, but not to the Monster, who thought that the idea was spectacular. Strangely, a crown would be the thing that was chosen.
Angry Monster always had with them a stretchman to put in the bath with him. This could be considered a fairly peculiar exercise, to my grandpa, but not to the Monster, who expected that this idea was amazing. You wouldnt have thought, a stretchman was the thing that was opted for.
Angry Monster desperately searched for a helmet that they sometimes throw. This could be considered a fairly funny activity, to my mum, but not to the Monster, who assumed that the idea was out of this world. You wouldnt have thought, a helmet was the thing that was opted for.
Angry Monster needed a stapler that they would occasionally throw. It was a fairly curious thing to do, to many, but not to the Monster, who had come to the conclusion that the idea was the most awesome idea. You wouldnt have thought, a stapler would be the item that was chosen.
Angry Monster often carried a can of Dr Pepper that they would sometimes hug. This might appear to be a curious idea, to some, but not to the Monster, who had decided it would be stunning. Remarkably, a can of Dr Pepper would be the chosen thing.