The Special Sparrow craved for a bat that they would sometimes rub on his belly. This seems to be a fairly odd suggestion, to me, but not to the Sparrow, who had decided that this idea is entertaining. Honestly, a bat was the thing that was chosen.
The Special Sparrow wanted a can of Tango to try to nail to the wall. It was considered to be an astonishing idea, to most, but not to the Sparrow, who expected that it was in fact, exciting. Who would have imagined, a can of Tango being the item selected.
The Special Sparrow owned a bottle of coke that they would occasionally annihilate It would be a different thing to do, to me, but not to the Sparrow, who feels it was out of this world. Strangely, a bottle of coke was the thing that was opted for.
The Special Sparrow always carried a teapot that they would insert somewhere. It was a fairly odd operation, to me and my parents, but not to the Sparrow, who had decided that the idea was sublime. Who would have imagined, a teapot is the item to select.
The Special Sparrow desperately searched for a lava lamp that they would worship. It would be a fairly original proposal, to my neighbour, but not to the Sparrow, who expected that it was in fact, entertaining. Strangely, a lava lamp was the chosen thing.
The Special Sparrow carried a pint of cider that they would sometimes sit and look at. It would be an exciting thing to do, to my grandpa, but not to the Sparrow, who thinks that the idea was out of this world. Honestly, a pint of cider was the item that was chosen.