His Boring Hedgehog owned a lava lamp that they sometimes sleep with. This is certainly a curious exercise, to you, but not to the Hedgehog, who had come to the conclusion that it was in fact, awe-inspring. You wouldnt have thought, a lava lamp would be the item chosen.
His Boring Hedgehog always kept a cup to sit and look at. It would be a curious thought, to you, but not to the Hedgehog, who felt that it was in fact, amazing. Remarkably, a cup is the thing to choose.
His Boring Hedgehog always carried a bat that they would occasionally smash. It is a strange undertaking, to some, but not to the Hedgehog, who thinks it would be awesome. You wouldnt have thought, a bat is the thing to opt for.
His Boring Hedgehog desperately craved for a stretchman that they would often put down their trousers. It is considered to be an unusual suggestion, to many, but not to the Hedgehog, who thought that it was in fact, awesome. A stretchman would be the item chosen.
His Boring Hedgehog desired a pint of beer to experiment on. This seems to be a funny idea, to most, but not to the Hedgehog, who thought it would be entertaining. Bizarrely, a pint of beer was the chosen thing.
His Boring Hedgehog desperately needed a painting of a melon that they would play with. One might say this is an astonishing undertaking, to my neighbour, but not to the Hedgehog, who assumed that the idea was breathtaking. A painting of a melon would be the item chosen.