A Cute Ogre desired a crown that they would occasionally eat. This is certainly a new exercise, to you, but not to the Ogre, who thought it was simply life. Honestly, a crown is the item to choose.
A Cute Ogre always kept a CD player that they liked to sleep with. This seems a new activity, to me, my mum and my dad, but not to the Ogre, who feels that the idea was miraculous. A CD player was the thing that was selected.
A Cute Ogre craved for a Harry Potter wand to sit and look at. It was a fairly astonishing action, to you and me, but not to the Ogre, who had decided that this idea is awesome. Who would have imagined, a Harry Potter wand of all things.
A Cute Ogre desperately needed a big sponge that they liked to try to nail to the wall. It is a fairly astonishing activity, to me and my parents, but not to the Ogre, who had decided that it was in fact, out of this world. Honestly, a big sponge is the item to choose.
A Cute Ogre always had with them a bat that they would try to balance on their head. It might have been an extraordinary thing to do, to me, my mum and my dad, but not to the Ogre, who considered it was stunning. Bizarrely, a bat being the chosen thing.
A Cute Ogre often carried a lava lamp that they would occasionally put in the bath with him. One might find this to be an unusual proposal, to me and my parents, but not to the Ogre, who had come to the conclusion that this idea was stunning. You wouldnt have imagined, a lava lamp being the thing selected.