Seasonal Flood, As an Environmental Issue. A case study of Pakistan Topic# 5

in hive-183959 •  5 months ago 

An introduction to Floods

It is one of the most common natural disasters, it can be defined as a sudden increase in the flow of water in rivers and streams. It is a sudden increase that causes immense damage to property, infrastructure, and lives.

Causes of Floods

Heavy rainfall

When there is heavy rainfall and the ground is unable to absorb it, ultimately reaches the river and streams and causes floods.

Rapid snow smelt

When the temperature increases the snow melts more rapidly than normal increasing the flow of water and becoming the cause of floods.

Dam failure

When the human-made Infrastructure for controlling floods like Dams and lakes breaks down then the water runs at high speed and high pressure and leads to floods.

Heavy floods caused by heavy rain. A case study of Pakistan

Today I am going to share one of the most important environmental issues. It is a Case study of Talash Valley District Dir lower. On 14 and 15 April 2024 after heavy rain, the stream load increased and caused a destructive flood. The heavy rain rains for 48 hours and its speed was so much that the ground was unable to absorb it and the water started runoff and ultimately it became the cause of floods. The flood was so immense that it destroyed several fields, homes, and roads.
In the given picture, we can observe its destruction.



In the picture, we can see a road that is damaged by floods and is unable for used the people are crossing it on foot and the local people are facing very difficulty in transportation and locomotion.




I have observed several Ambulances that were carrying serious patients but the road was fully destroyed and they did not cross the road. The reconstruction of the road will take up to one week and the people will suffer this issue up to seven days. Moreover, according to the meteorological department on 17 and 18 April, there will be heavy rains. So it is also an alarming threat.

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