My thoughts on financial success: Victors not Victims

in hive-184373 •  last year 

Pride: have pride in yourself, be confident, and surround yourself with like minded people.


It occurred to me that as we study and learning about all the ways the traditional financial system is structured to benefit banks, brokerages and the owners and employees of the TradFi System that we have a choice.

We can allow ourselves to become angry and obsessed with writing about our anger at the system, and perhaps unwittingly allow ourselves to evolve into an anger filled person

Otherwise know as a #ragebot a term I just created for this post.

RageBots are defined by me as people so consumed by their anger, that they blindly strike out at everyone and everything, because they can and perhaps.. because they know no other way to express their feelings.

So they rage against the man which is a nebulous nickname for those in power, the ones who hurt them.

Ironically, this rage against the man is conducted where they live or the social platform which they use.

There they rage against everything and everyone where they live, which is not where the so called man lives who hurt them.

They end up not hurting the man, but instead hurt only the people who live where they live, and these #ragebots destroy their own neighborhood..

All because they are angry at the man that person or persons in charge, who does not live where the #ragebots live.

This is #ragebot behavior , and it is a form of Victim Behavior. And if you live your life focusing on why you are a Victim, you may not have time to focus on being something else.. a Victor.

Some say they have no choice, but I believe there is always a choice.

You cannot guarantee that you control the thoughts and actions of other people, but you can control the thoughts and ideas of you.


You must rise above this behavior of anger and rage, and become a #teacherbot
A #teacherbot is someone who shares their experiences with those in their community, and helps they understand and navigate the TradFi system.
A #teacherbot shares the experiences which were successful and those which failed.
This helps both the #teacher and the #student increase their financial wealth and independence working within the system.

Second, become a #nurturebot

By teaching and sharing about the TradFi system and the crypto DeFi system with others.. You are also becoming a #nurturebot .
Which I define as a positive force in your community, building up individuals, not breaking people down by cursing their lack of knowledge and hoarding your knowledge. Your harsh negativity hurts the community and the people in it, as people copy your behavior. Hurt people hurt other people, then those hurt people hurt others.
Stop the cycle of hurt, pain, and let go of your rage.
Instead build people up, and build up your community.
Be a builder of people and your community.
Build things up, and don’t break them down.

Third you will slowly and surely become a #richbot

I think if you travel this path of evolution, you will eventually become a #richbot , as in one who in enriching the lives of others, has enriched their own .
The success of those you help can also become your success, especially in a Tokenomics model where your supporters success increases your success.
Become a #richbot as in someone focused on Victory.
Victors, not Victims.

Last words

So as you read my blog filled with How To Posts and Explainer Posts and you wonder why I write these posts and explain these things..
It’s because I evolving in the best version of myself, a Victor, who chooses to enrich others by sharing my knowledge and helping others attain knowledge too. (Also)
This is our community, help build it up, and help build up the people in it.
Be Victors , not Victims.

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