Dear individual explorers, a great deal has been said as of late on not dirtying our tendency and beat the plastic contamination and a lot more things.
In any case, Let every one of us really begin doing our bit to spare our natural force.
On our ongoing spiti ride, We got refuse on chandertal trek and arranged it in chacha chahi dhaba in battal.
Most astonishing was prashar lake trek, where in any event, peeing inside limit isn't permitted because of strict reasons,but we discovered beer,alcohol bottles on upper side of slopes.
We demand all of you to really accomplish something or only a lil bit to keep our inclination clean.
Thus I challenge Rahul Gupta, Parul Jasrotia , Hitesh Thakwani and Gourav Singh Jamwal to do their bit on their up and coming outing to keep our temperament clean.
Take activities and challenge your kindred explorers for same.
Much appreciated 🙏