Fahad is going to take the body for the 101st time. His hands and feet don't tremble like before considering dread. In any case, would he say he is utilized to it?
Or then again need to do this by goodness of the stomach!
As a young adult, his kin left him at the train station considering urgency. I was 6 by at that point.
The dread of ghosts can't overpower him. Since nobody has ever frightened him. So he isn't reluctant to state? Without a doubt, he is uncomfortable, at any rate not apparitions.
He has seen human inside organs since he was 9 years of age 11 years sooner today.
Effectively one year before his kin left, Masood saw his family Fahad taking definitively.
That night Fahad was gotten by Masood Bhai.
What whole more kamabi taking short? You are not for this.
Your work aptitudes can give us something basic.
Fahad in like way concurred.
In within years, Fahad became Masood Bhai's top choice.
He has extended a notoriety with everybody in the get-together.
Regardless, at 18 years of age another issue has showed up.
Masood Bhai needs to accomplish a decision that could be more significant than this.
Kidneys and eyes have the news that in the event that you can easily these outside, you can change into the proprietor of lakhs of rupees present second.
From the beginning Fahad restricted it yet later Masood couldn't do it again because of his kinfolk's requesting.
In the event that there are some satisfactory bits of Masood Bhai, by then they are a not all that awful request for his own good conditions.
Something other than what's expected, his activities rout the loser.
Before long the undertaking is to oust the body from the house and take it in their vehicle to exhaust the kidneys, eyes and liver.
Besides, Fahad filled in as a clinical watchman and guard at the body house for quite a while.
So he is more experienced than the remainder of the cut.
Today he is going to take out the 101st dead body and he is thinking in his psyche that he will leave this and evaporate.
Since he appreciated that Masood Bhai had given him an occupation here deliberately.
So that is his experience. Regardless, for what reason would that be consistently with him?
Why all the sickening deeds are finished with him?
Likewise, for what reason would he say he is doing this to eat two heaps of rice?
Or of course considering a dubious fear of life!
He is intrigued about with the word love. She had never tasted the magnificence of her wavy hair, one cheek, stubbles and smooth face. He might not have any desire to see.
The best extension in this business is the starting late dead corpses. In like manner, on the off chance that you can spare these bodies in a few hours, twofold the cash.
It takes in the wake of bringing new chicken from the market and cooking it.
Fahad appears to recognize how to do this.
How? Fahad himself doesn't get that.
In any case, extremely, this is his last work for Masood Bhai.
Fahad never took a gander at the bodies well.
While cutting his stomach, he felt that one of the dolls was cutting his stomach.
The most repulsive thing is the place the eyes are bound from the two bodies.
Each time he thinks his eyes take a gander at him and necessities to state something!
Fahad is evidently crying.
Kid or adolescent Fahad never revolved around the body.
The remainder of the social event was normal appeared differently in relation to the point that seeing the dead varieties of the adolescents invigorated need in their brains.
Remaining before the body's home for a long moan, this would be the particular converse thing for Masood Bhai to consider whether he would have the decision to get away and live some spot far away.
News started from inside that a youth had a mishap and nobody has come to get the body yet!
The after death was not done considering how it was the mishap of Masood Bhai.
Fahad went into the room and opened authority number 101.
What an unexpected today is his 101st development and the agency number is additionally 101.
Fahad felt like he was trying to pass on the body on his lap on a bunk.
Today, since, he needs to see the white material flipped around.
A couple of moments afterward he had his official choice, he needs to see.
While cautiously expelling the white material from the face,
From the earliest starting point, Fahad didn't comprehend that the thick dull hair on the haven and the eyebrows under the wraps could be so impeccable.
Notwithstanding how his eyes are shut, he imagines that there must be life in it.
The nose is feeble and somewhat long.
The adolescent with pink lips.
Considering, most likely a doll.
He thought it was actually a doll encased by white surface.
Taking a gander at the adolescent, evidently Fahad will have the choice to spend for a long time.
Shakil's telephone from outside-
Did Ray go to get the body or become a body himself?
No, the body hasn't showed up now, I'm filtering for it.
Didn't come? There is a hundred taka news. Truly, the body of a youth has come here today And don't you see how tremendous the present deftly is?
Well deferral, I'm making game courses of action to come in.
- No, no!
The telephone line was cut.
Fahad's body started to perspire.
Today he lied considering the way that.
Why he said he isn't thinking.
Taking into account whether Shakil comes and sees him? Something should be finished!
Fahad immediately put the youth's body in a compartment in the in the afterlife.
Shakil can not discover everything!
Shakil said-
Considering, we should look in those drawers?
They take something inside the unfilled body.
You mean, similar to, saltines and their sort, eh?
Areh after death bodies are kept in them.
Yes, it's hard to acknowledge, anyway it's real. Notwithstanding, what may it be reasonable for me to state to Masood kinfolk?
Let's go to Masood Bhai with the individual who gave us this news for the present. Or then again Masood Bhai won't keep us total.
Let's pass by at that point.
Fahad took a gander at the authority as he shut the entryway.
For what reason did Fahad do that?
Will he rest today around evening time with this solicitation?
Wrote: Shahedul Islam Mahim
Thank you