Look at the picture and think about it.I have nothing to say about this picture.He has a desire to wear a normal cloth.But he can't do it.We have many clothes but we aren't satisfied with what we have.We want more and more.
Someone is fighting for taking food regularly.In contrary some are wasting food without thinking anything.Someone has no cloth, on the other hand some are buying cloth one after another within few days.Some people get huge amount of profit in a month. But they don't have no intention to help the helpless people.Who said that they aren't an exploiter.Aren't they deceiver?If they don't help impoverish people we may call them exploiter cause by exploiting others they are getting benefit and their motive is to exploit people and earn more money by deceiving others.By this way needy people are becoming poor and rich becoming rich day by day.
Those who earns his money in a right way he has some responsibility to look after the people who are under in poverty line.Humanitarian people do his best to help people. Some people may think that I earn my money by my hard labour so I have no responsibility to look after helpless people. No man,if you think like this way then you are an exploiter.As a good and well-minded people you have to take care of your nearest helpless people. The main owner of the resources is almighty Allah. Allah didn't give you permission to waste your food in an unnecessary way and deposit your money without helping other. One day you will have to be accountable for this.
Friends,I am not against becoming rich in a right way.You may be rich or poor.You may become rich by your hard labour in an honest way.We all have responsibility to help indigent people according to our ability.Friends, may be my point of view is different from you.If you don't agree my words please skip it.Thank you.